IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique | Documents
Dimanche 18 décembre 2005
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 252, 23 September 2005

1. Understanding Human Sexuality Seminar Series

The Health System Trust in partnership with the Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre and the School of Health Systems and Public Health at the University of Pretoria is calling for abstracts for the 2005 quarterly editions of its Understanding Human Sexuality Seminar Series.

The seminar, which is open to the general public, is an opportunity for scholars, students, professionals, community workers, practitioners, and policymakers interested in any aspect of the field of Sexuality in Africa to learn, share experiences and engender healthy, respectful, responsible and pleasurable sexuality.

The goal of the Understanding Human Sexuality Seminar Series is to promote dialogue on human sexuality in order to engender positive changes in relevant policies and programmes on the African continent.

The theme for the Fourth Quarter 2005 Seminar is: Sexuality, Violence and HIV/AIDS, and the deadline for receipt of abstracts is Friday 30 September 2005.

If you are resident in Pretoria or Johannesburg (or visiting South Africa) and would like to make a presentation, you can submit an abstract (300 words maximum) with your full names, contact address, phone number, email address and a brief about yourself as you would like it to appear in the seminar proceedings. Full-length papers will be requested only from short-listed candidates. The proposed date for the one-day seminar is Friday 21 October 2005 at 10am, at the School of Health Systems and Public Health on the CSIR Campus, Pretoria.

Selected seminar papers will be published every quarter by the Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre (ARSRC) based in Lagos, Nigeria, with the permission of the authors. All correspondence should be addressed to:

Understanding Human Sexuality Seminar Series
Health Systems Trust, Devonshire House
11th Floor, 49 Jorisseen Street, Braamfontein, 2000
Fax: +27 11 4032447
Email: or or or visit the following websites: or

Please visit the ARSRC website for more information about the Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre initiative and to read the papers presented at the 2004 seminars.

2. INTAIDS is back!

A new version of the INTAIDS email discussion forum is being launched today, as a digest of other HIV/AIDS eForums.

A new format has been designed for INTAIDS to provide an option to the busiest of people, who need to stay connected to HIV/AIDS developments as they arise but also struggle with a daily communication and information overload.

In order to achieve this, INTAIDS no longer supports discussion and member contributions, as most other eForums do. As a member of INTAIDS you should expect to receive five or fewer postings a month, comprising key announcements and a summary and analysis of postings from SEA-AIDS, AF-AIDS, and possibly other eForums.

AF-AIDS and SEA-AIDS are regional eForums focused on HIV/AIDS and other health and development issues in Africa, Asia and the Pacific.

The monthly eForum summaries from SEA-AIDS and AF-AIDS will be in the form of 'eCorrespondents' that have been distributed during the past few months directly to the members of those eForums (see and click on SEA-AIDS or AF-AIDS to read about the eForums and previous eCorrespondent editions).

INTAIDS has been facilitating international e-networking and discussions around HIV/AIDS for nearly ten years. It was started initially as a general discussion forum on international HIV/AIDS topics, providing an opportunity for people and organisations to raise issues on the international agenda.

To join INTAIDS send an email to: or visit the website at

3. Booklet/calendar on lives of HIV-positive fathers and men

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), in collaboration with the Global Network of People living with HIV/AIDS (GNP+) and Young Positives, are producing a booklet/calendar on the lives of HIV-positive fathers and men for this year's World AIDS Day.

This publication will provide around 12 case studies (two from each IPPF region) and be a useful tool in highlighting positive examples of fathers and men living with HIV, and the important role of men in HIV prevention, particularly in empowering of women and girls in HIV prevention. It will have a format similar to that used for the IPPF's Dreams and Desires booklet, a popular publication that provided case studies about the experiences of 12 HIV/AIDS positive women. A copy of this can be downloaded at the following link:

As part of this initiative, IPPF is seeking case studies about positive fathers and men to use in its World AIDS Day publication. Alternatively, if you know the names and contact details of HIV positive men and fathers that are open about their status and would be interested in being interviewed for this project, please e-mail this information to the address below.

IPPF is willing to pay the interviewees an honorarium for their involvement (this will include their time spent during the interview, checking the case study after it has been written up to ensure that it properly reflects the interview discussion, and providing a high resolution photograph).

For more information about the project, or to send details, please contact Tim Shand of the IPPF HIV/AIDS Team at: Tel: +44 207 939 8281 or

This information is required by 3 September, if possible, to enable them to produce the first draft of the publication by mid October.


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AFRIQUE: De nouveaux médicaments contre le sida, vite !
AFRIQUE: “Nous négliger, c’est négliger une partie de la famille africaine” – MSM
AFRIQUE: Le préservatif, un objet de désir à la mode brésilienne
BURKINA FASO: Une extension des traitements à hauts risques
SÉNÉGAL: La fiction, un outil ludique de sensibilisation sur le VIH

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