IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique | Documents
Dimanche 18 décembre 2005
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 247, 19 August 2005

1. Managing HIV/AIDS Programmes training course

The Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS) will be holding a training course on 'Managing HIV/AIDS Programmes' from 14 November to 2 December 2005 in Nairobi, Kenya.

CAFS has designed this course to enable participants to analyse the trends, contributory factors and impact of HIV/AIDS, apply innovative behaviour change communication approaches in HIV/AIDS interventions, develop targeted HIV and AIDS interventions, and use strategic programme management skills to enhance the effectiveness of HIV/AIDS interventions. The course also builds the participants' managerial skills in human resource planning and management, delegation, managing time, meetings, finances and self-management. A core module on facilitation skills has also been introduced to enable the participants to effectively share the knowledge and skills gained.

This course is designed for potential and current programme managers in the field of HIV/AIDS in various sectors, including government, NGO and the private sector. These are people responsible for the coordination and day-to-day implementation of HIV/AIDS programmes in their organisations. Programme officers and advisors working for organisations responsible for providing technical assistance to national or community-based organisations will benefit. Applicants are encouraged to seek financial assistance from various bilateral and multilateral agencies such as UNFPA, UNAIDS, USAID, DFID, GTZ, WHO, government agencies, CIDA and DANIDA.

In addition to this regional course, CAFS offers this training at country/organisation level on request. In-country courses are conducted with a minimum of 10 participants.

For a brochure providing detailed information on the course focus, benefits, training methodology and application procedures,
contact: Margaret Odindo - Course coordinator

2. Seminar on Interactions between Poverty and HIV/AIDS

The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) panel on Population and Poverty, in collaboration with the University of Cape Town, have organised a two-day seminar on the interactions between poverty and HIV and AIDS.

The seminar will focus on two major themes:
- The impact of HIV/AIDS on the wellbeing of households and individuals
- Poverty and the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS

The seminar will pay particular attention to the use of household survey data in analysing the dynamics of HIV/AIDS and poverty. It will take place on 12 and 13 December 2005 at the Birchwood Conference Centre in Johannesburg.

Contact Murray Leibbrandt on for more information.

3. AIDS Organisations Worldwide - include your treatment centre

NAM, the UK-based HIV information charity behind, is currently extending its directory of organisations to include all major treatment centres with access to ARVs worldwide.

The directory aims to foster the sharing of best practice, information and expertise around the globe by promoting effective international communication. If you would like your hospital/treatment centre to be included in the 2005 edition, please use the following link:

Registration is free and you will also get a free copy of the new directory.


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