IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique | Documents
Dimanche 18 décembre 2005
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JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Issue 246, 12 August 2005

1. Global Campaign Coordinator - AIDS-Care-Watch campaign

The AIDS-Care-Watch (ACW) campaign is currently seeking an experienced Global Campaign Coordinator to support and strengthen the AIDS-Care-Watch campaign.
This is a one-year full-time assignment. The location of this position is flexible, however, the preferred location is Chiang Mai, Thailand.

The AIDS-Care-Watch campaign is a partnership of over 250 organisations worldwide. AIDS-Care-Watch was conceived to provide an avenue for treatment advocates worldwide to unite and soundly advocate for a comprehensive care package for people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as antiretroviral treatment.


  • Coordinate campaign partner relations, including day-to-day coordination and communication with partners and new partner recruitment
  • Coordinate all ACW communication channels, including the production of the monthly ACW Monitor (an e-newsletter sent to members of the ACW eForum)
  • Assist and facilitate campaign activities, especially at country level
  • Assist with campaign media and marketing activities

(A highly qualified and motivated candidate may have the opportunity to move into the Campaign Manager Position in due course)


  • Experience in HIV/AIDS care and treatment advocacy
  • Three to five years of grassroots organising/campaign experience
  • Practical experience working in HIV/AIDS, TB or other health areas
  • Highly motivated and able to work independently in a fast-paced, dynamic environment
  • Good communication skills
  • A degree in public health, international development or a related field

Experience in journalism and/or other media-communication initiatives is essential

If you have any questions about this position, please email .

To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to AIDS-Care-Watch campaign, attention: Abigail Erikson, Campaign Manager
Email: .

AIDS-Care-Watch campaign - Thailand
PO Box 173
Chiang Mai University Post Office
Huay Kaew Road, Muang
Chiang Mai 50200 Thailand
Tel: +61 53 418438
Fax: +61 53 418439

2. Coordinator - Abidjan-Lagos Transport Corridor Radio Project

IRIN, the news and information service of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs is seeking a dynamic manager to head up a new project to provide imaginative and popular radio programming on HIV/AIDS issues to a mass audience along the Abidjan to Lagos corridor in Côte d'Ivoire. Based in Abidjan, the successful candidate will have 7 years' minimum professional experience in broadcast journalism, including the production of programmes on HIV/AIDS, strong management, budgeting and team-building skills, a strong interest in HIV/AIDS, a working knowledge of key issues, debates and media strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa, and be fully bilingual in English and French. Prior working experience and knowledge of West Africa is essential.

This is an international ALD-3 position and UN terms and conditions of employment apply. Interested candidates should submit a C.V. and covering letter electronically to Mark Bidder () Chief of Operations, from whom the particulars of the position are also available upon request. The closing date for applications is Friday 26 August 2005.



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