OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Lundi 9 mai 2005
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JOB OPPORTUNITIES - Issue 232, 6 May 2005

1. HIV/AIDS Advisors and Programme Managers - Malawi and Mozambique - Save the Children

Save the Children, an international relief and development agency, seeks qualified candidates for two HIV/AIDS Specialist positions. Both require 5 to 10 years, or more, of experience in providing technical, operational and coordinative support to local programmes. Candidates must have Master's in Public Health or related degree. Portuguese language skills would be an advantage.

For more information and to apply, go to: www.savethechildren.org and proceed to the appropriate position and complete the candidate profile.

2. HIV/AIDS and Gender Advisor - Niger - Concern Worldwide

Concern Worldwide is looking for an HIV/AIDS and Gender Advisor based in Niamey, Niger, to start as soon as possible. This is a two-year posting for a dynamic individual with a background in HIV and gender mainstreaming, and an interest in the education sector. Prospective candidates must speak fluent French, and have an interest in working as part of a team that includes partner organisations and government departments. This is an international post and expatriate terms and conditions apply.

For more information: www.concern.net

Interested applicants should send their CVs to: for the attention of Ms Debbie Treacy.



Numéros spéciaux

MALI: Un atelier de formation sur le VIH/SIDA pour les pharmaciens
CÔTE D IVOIRE: MSF constate une explosion des cas d’IST et VIH dans l’ouest
MALI: Le PAM pour améliorer la santé des personnes infectées au VIH
AFRIQUE: L’Onusida en faveur d’une réponse locale à l’épidémie de sida
GUINÉE: Cinq fois plus de personnes devraient être mises sous ARV

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