OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Lundi 25 avril 2005
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 230, 22 April 2005

1. Managing HIV/AIDS Home based Care Programmes

The Centre for African Family Studies (CAFS) will be holding an international course on 'Managing HIV/AIDS Home-based Care Programmes' from 27 June to 15 July 2005 in Nairobi, Kenya. This is an intensive three-week course offering a learning and sharing opportunity for programme managers and officers in the field of HIV/AIDS. The course will provide trainees with hands-on skills in community mobilisation, comprehensive HIV/AIDS home-based care services, HIV/AIDS community-based prevention interventions, ART and PMTCT Community preparedness, training transfer, and planning, supervision, monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS community-based intervention programmes.

The learning atmosphere is lively, creative and participatory, and uses an approach that emphasizes 'learning by doing'. Participants share experiences in home-based care and also learn from the regional experience of CAFS in building the capacity of individuals, and from organisations working in the field of HIV/AIDS and reproductive health.

The fee for the course is US $2,800, which covers tuition, training materials, participant's handbook, supplies, training-related field trips and certification awards.

For more information on the course: www.cafs.org

In addition to this international course, CAFS can offer tailored in-country training to a minimum of 10 participants on HIV/AIDS, home-based care and support services.

2. Tools for African Journalists

The Tools and Resources page for African Journalists and Educators at the Datelinehealth-Africa web portal has been updated with new resources/links on ongoing Awards, Fellowships, Scholarships, Internships, Grants and Other support.

To access this resource:

3. New Eldis Health Resource Guide

A new Key Issues page on maternal, newborn and child health is now available on the HRC/Eldis Health Resource Guide.

This guide outlines the key policy debates, and examines what action is needed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals on maternal and child health. Written by experts in the field, the guide proposes a win-win solution that will benefit mothers, babies and children, while contributing to stronger health systems.

The guide can be accessed at: www.eldis.org


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