PlusNews Weekly Issue 225, 18 March 2005
1. Discussion forum on Sexuality and Religion
The Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre (ARSRC) is currently holding a moderated electronic discussion forum on Sexuality and Religion, which started on 7 March and will finish at the end of April 2005.
This discussion seeks to explain the interconnection between religion and the forms and expression of human sexuality, and will also highlight the extent to which religion influences beliefs and shapes human sexual behaviour, and examine how individuals attempt to influence religious approaches to sexuality. It is also an attempt to critically address the relationship between various beliefs and human sexuality.
Weekly discussions will explore the following areas:
- Sexuality and Spirituality: Is sex spiritual?
- Sexual Expression and Religion
- Religion and Sexuality Education: Does religion have a role to play in sexuality education?
- Marriage, Sexuality and Reproduction
- Adolescent Sexuality and Religion
To participate, click on the link below and sign up, giving your name and the country in which you work:
2. Global Fund Call for Proposals
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM) issued a call on 17 March 2005 for proposals for Round 5. Application forms for this round should be completed by countries before 10 June 2005, and will be reviewed by a panel of experts before the approved grants are announced at the end of September 2005.
The Global Fund Board has underlined that collaboration between TB and HIV programmes will be vital to this latest round of applications, especially for countries where HIV/AIDS is driving the TB epidemic. Countries are requested to include strategies for minimising the impact of TB among people living with HIV/AIDS in their HIV/AIDS proposals. At the same time, TB proposals should be streamlined to ensure prevention, testing and counselling for HIV/AIDS among TB patients.
In development of the Round 5 applications, relative normative assistance will be provided by WHO and technical partners, to enable countries to develop single, combined proposals for integrated responses to TB and HIV.
For more information on TB/HIV proposals:
Rose Pray
STOP TB Partnership, WHO
Tel: +41 22 791 3472
and Catherine Bilger, HIV/AIDS Department, WHO
Tel: + 41 22 791 1418
3. ICASA - Call for Abstracts
Organisers of the 14th International Conference on HIV/AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA 2005) - to be held in Abuja, Nigeria, from 4 to 9 December 2005, with the theme 'HIV/AIDS and the Family' - are calling for abstracts of original contributions in the field of HIV/AIDS.
Abstracts could be in the areas of basic sciences, social sciences, health-related issues, community-related topics, youths, gender, the family, trials, human rights ethical issues, clinical issues, and care and support. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by panellists. When accepted, authors will be notified and the abstracts will appear in their full form in the conference abstract book and on the abstract CD-ROM.
To ensure that abstracts are considered, they should be submitted before the deadline of 29 May 2005. The abstract guidelines, submission form and other conference-related information, including sub-tracts/sub-themes, non-abstract-driven sessions, plenary sessions and round table sessions, are currently available on the conference website: www.icasa2005.com
4. 2005 YouthNet Internship Programme
The YouthNet programme of Family Health International (FHI) announces an eleven-week internship programme designed to give current or recent undergraduate and graduate university students from developing countries experience in designing, implementing and evaluating youth reproductive health (YRH) and HIV/AIDS programmes. A maximum of six positions, based in the Washington, DC, area, is available. The internship programme will run from 30 May to 12 August 2005.
For more information, please visit:
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