OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Samedi 25 décembre 2004
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 210, 3 December 2004

1. Peer education manual

'Effective Peer Education' is a manual developed by international NGO Save the Children and provides guidance for development workers running or planning to run peer education programmes. The publication starts by looking at how to judge if peer education is the right approach. It goes on to look at how to improve the quality of peer education programmes, how to make them more sustainable and how they can link to other child-friendly services. Throughout the manual there are overviews of the issues involved, key questions to consider, participatory activities, lessons learned, case studies and 'dos and don’ts'.

The manual also contains a series of quick guides to 18 possible programming options, from condom distribution to advocacy with national policy makers. An extract of the publication can be downloaded below.

Effective Peer Education gives clear, practical advice on how to set up and run effective peer education services for children and looks at a wide range of programming options which will strengthen its impact.

For more information and to order the book: www.savethechildren.org.uk

View Save the Children UK's publications at www.savethechildren.org.uk

2. Journey of Life

The Regional Psychosocial Support Initiative for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS (REPSSI) is introducing the Journey of Life package. This is a workshop manual to help communities to support children who are growing up in a time of HIV/AIDS, war, violence, and family disintegration. It is appropriate for both youth (12-18 years) and adults.

This workshop is now being used in 13 African countries. Communities have found it a simple, participatory tool to help them address the needs and problems of children. This approach focuses on all children living in a community rather than dividing them into distinct classes such as orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).

Translations will soon be available in Portuguese and Swahili. Picture packs containing picture codes will soon be completed which allows community members who do not have written literacy to conduct discussions with their peers based on The Journey of Life workshop. A children’s workshop for children from five to 11 years of age will also be available in the coming months.

You can access a copy of Journey Of Life on: www.repssi.org

3. Online HIV/AIDS dialogue

AfricaFiles.org, an online network of people committed to rights and justice for Africa, has launched a web log ("blog") in its AIDS section with hopes of creating a dialogue among people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.

This dialogue, begun with students and staff at Humber College in Toronto, Canada, is intended to draw the world into conversation about HIV/AIDS. Toronto hosts the next International AIDS Conference in 2006. The blog discussion will form the basis of a publication which will be sold as part of their goal of bringing individuals, who otherwise would be unable to come, to the next International Conference on AIDS - scheduled for Toronto in 2006.

The blog address: www.africafiles.org


Numéros spéciaux

ETHIOPIE: Un enfant sur dix est orphelin
SÉNÉGAL: La gratuité des soins, un élément indispensable des programmes de traitement par antirétroviraux
CÔTE D IVOIRE: La guerre civile : un obstacle à la généralisation des traitements contre le sida
LIBERIA: Le HCR sensibilise les retournés sur les risques liés au VIH/SIDA.
TOGO: A la frontière, des jeunes filles en danger

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