OCHA IRIN PlusNews Service d’information sur le VIH/SIDA en Afrique
Jeudi 9 décembre 2004
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PlusNews Weekly Issue 209, 26 November 2004

1. Sex Education (Pleasure-focused Training of Trainers)

In preparation for a pleasure-focused training of trainers initiative to be co-sponsored by The Pleasure Project, CARE International and CARE Cambodia, The Pleasure Project is collecting information about any programmes, literature, research studies, training information or tools/techniques that use pleasure as a primary motivational force (preferably in resource-poor settings).

These examples will also form part of a global mapping resource of pleasure-focused sex education and programming.

If you know of any projects/programmes/tools that fit this description, please contact the Project about them.

Email Wendy Knerr at:


2. Synergy HIV/AIDS Online Resource Centre

The Synergy Project provides technical assistance and services to the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to design, evaluate and coordinate HIV/AIDS programmes, and identify and disseminate lessons learned from these programmes.

Synergy's online resource centre contains more than 3,400 documents relevant to HIV/AIDS project management, research, and reproductive health.

Global users can now sign up to receive a monthly e-alert detailing new resources and/or search the collection by title, author, technical area or country. Where available, users can also download PDFs of many documents.

To learn more about the Resource Centre and the Synergy Project, visit: www.synergyaids.com

3. Antiretroviral Adherence Training Manual

Developed by the Horizons Programme/Population Council, the International Centre for Reproductive Health, and the Coast Province General Hospital for the Antiretroviral Therapy Programme in Mombassa, Kenya, the 'Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in Adults: A Guide for Trainers' manual was specifically designed for health workers, including physicians, clinical officers and adherence nurse counsellors, who work in antiretroviral therapy programmes and have received some training on the relevant medications.

It keeps in mind field realities and the sociocultural environment of Mombasa, a coastal province in Kenya.

Access the manual online: www.popcouncil.org pdf Format
People with limited web access can contact: for a hard copy.


Numéros spéciaux

LIBERIA: Le HCR sensibilise les retournés sur les risques liés au VIH/SIDA.
TOGO: A la frontière, des jeunes filles en danger
CÔTE D IVOIRE: Amepouh, la lutte des femmes contre le sida
CÔTE D IVOIRE: En zone rebelle, il n’y a plus de frein à l’épidémie de sida
TOGO: L’Eglise catholique entre dans la lutte contre le sida et les préservatifs

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