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TANZANIA: Good progress in male circumcision campaign
18 January 2012 (PlusNews ), The demand for medical male circumcision is growing among Tanzania's non-circumcising communities, and officials say the country is on track to surpass its goal of reaching 2.8 million men by 2015.
BOTSWANA: Saturday is for funerals
18 January 2012 (PlusNews ), One part novella and two parts textbook, Saturday is for Funerals* pairs the recollections of Unity Dow, five-times author and Botswana's first female high-court judge, with the analysis of Harvard health sciences professor, virologist and chair of the Botswana-Harvard AIDS Institute, Max Essex.
BOTSWANA: A timeline of HIV action
18 January 2012 (PlusNews ), Botswana has marked many "firsts" in Africa's fight against the HI virus. IRIN/PlusNews details the most important events in its battle:
KENYA: The downside of male involvement in PMTCT
16 January 2012 (PlusNews ), Involving men is increasingly being promoted as a key element in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, and while its benefits are well-documented - in one Kenyan study it reduced the risks of vertical transmission and infant mortality by more than 40 percent compared with no involvement - it can occasionally lead to domestic discord and even violence.
RWANDA: Aiming towards two million medical male circumcisions
9 January 2012 (PlusNews ), This will be a busy year for Rwanda's health centres as the country attempts to reach its goal of medically circumcising 50 percent of men by June 2013 as part of HIV prevention efforts.
TANZANIA: Government recalls faulty HIV test kits
6 January 2012 (PlusNews ), Tanzanian health authorities have announced the withdrawal of a South Korean HIV test kit from circulation following warnings about its poor quality.
KENYA: New guidelines follow recall of faulty HIV test
5 January 2012 (PlusNews ), The Kenyan government has changed its HIV testing algorithm following the withdrawal of a widely used brand of HIV test on warnings from UN World Health Organization.
ETHIOPIA: New PMTCT plan needs men
4 January 2012 (PlusNews ), Ethiopia's new plan to eliminate mother-to-child HIV transmission by 2015 cannot be attained unless men are more meaningfully involved in reproductive health, experts say.
HIV/AIDS: Ten big stories in 2011
29 December 2011 (PlusNews ), It's been a roller coaster of a year in HIV and AIDS. AIDS turned 30 in 2011, and with new evidence of the effectiveness of HIV treatment as prevention, experts are increasingly talking about "the end of AIDS". At the same time, however, funding for HIV has become ever more uncertain, jeopardizing efforts to put new, life-saving science into action.
HIV/AIDS: Five faces we were watching in 2011
27 December 2011 (PlusNews ), From scientific breakthroughs to herbal "cures", HIV was never far from the headlines in 2011.
HEALTH: HIV and the risk of non-communicable diseases
22 December 2011 (PlusNews ), While antiretroviral drugs have significantly improved the life expectancy of people living with HIV, the virus - and often the ARVs themselves - can make people more susceptible to non-communicable diseases than the rest of the population.
KENYA: Stigma hinders participation in clinical HIV trials
21 December 2011 (PlusNews ), Would-be participants in HIV research often refuse to volunteer out of fear of being labelled as HIV-positive and subsequently stigmatized by their communities, according to a recent study conducted in Kenya.
KENYA: Helping women to end sex-for-fish culture
19 December 2011 (PlusNews ), For the past five years, Achieng*, a 35-year-old widow and mother of six, has sold fish on the Kenyan shores of Lake Victoria; like many women in the fish trade, Achieng often has to have sex with fishermen in order to get the best catch of the day, a system known in the local Luo language as 'jaboya'.
UGANDA: Challenging plan to eliminate mother-to-child transmission
15 December 2011 (PlusNews ), A plan to virtually eradicate mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Uganda by 2015 by adopting a more cost-effective treatment regimen, beefing up health infrastructure and increasing women's access to family planning, comes with high expectations and significant challenges.
INDONESIA: HIV traps women and girls in poverty - report
15 December 2011 (PlusNews ), The number of reported HIV cases has tripled in Indonesia in recent years, curtailing productivity and trapping affected girls and women, especially, in poverty, according to a recent UN Development Programme (UNDP) report.
SWAZILAND: Failing healthcare system renews HIV activism
13 December 2011 (PlusNews ), A new wave of HIV activism is rising in Swaziland as people living with HIV take to the streets in protest, many for the first time in their lives, over continued shortages of antiretroviral (ARV) treatment.
AFRICA: HIV-positive women still confused about infant-feeding choices
9 December 2011 (PlusNews ), The latest guidelines on infant-feeding options for HIV-positive mothers in Africa have not been disseminated in many countries, leaving women dangerously confused about the best nutritional path to protect their children from contracting the virus, a new report shows.
AFRICA: Greater local ownership of HIV research needed
9 December 2011 (PlusNews ), Unless African governments increase their funding for and engagement in HIV research, the continent cannot hope to attain equal status in determining its research agenda and priorities, speakers said at the 16th International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Africa.
HIV/AIDS: Depression "overlooked" in treating HIV patients
7 December 2011 (PlusNews ), HIV patients in Africa frequently suffer shame and depression but the continent’s health systems are ill-equipped to handle the issue, which not only affects their quality of life, but can lead to poor adherence to HIV treatment regimens.
SWAZILAND: Contesting the Global Fund audit
7 December 2011 (PlusNews ), On the heels of a decision by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB) and Malaria to cancel its next round of funding, the Swazi government is calling on donors to come to the impoverished country's aid. However, there are fears that the result of a recent Global Fund audit may dissuade donors even as HIV organizations contest its findings.

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