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SOUTH AFRICA: Government wakes up to flight of health workers
14 May 2002 (PlusNews ), South Africa's leading nurses' union on Tuesday welcomed comments by the government addressing the debilitating flight of health professionals from the country.
GLOBAL: More action needed for youth HIV/AIDS prevention
10 May 2002 (PlusNews ), Dr Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS, has called on governments to expand their efforts to provide HIV prevention and care for young people.
ERITREA: Focus on rapid expansion of HIV/AIDS
9 May 2002 (PlusNews ), Eritrea faces a rapid expansion of the HIV/AIDS pandemic within the next few years, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS has warned.
TOGO: Red Cross launches AIDS project
9 May 2002 (PlusNews ), Togo's Red Cross association launched on Wednesday a two-year project against the spread of HIV/AIDS, as part of a continental initiative by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
SWAZILAND: PWAs tell their stories
8 May 2002 (PlusNews ), In a move considered to be a breakthrough for the conservative kingdom of Swaziland, more than thirty people living with HIV/AIDS have come forward to tell their stories in a new book to be released this week.
AFRICA: HIV/AIDS and education in vicious cycle
7 May 2002 (PlusNews ), Education could play a critical role in HIV/AIDS prevention but the pandemic's devastating impact threatens to derail any such efforts, the World Bank warns in a new report.
AFRICA: HIV-related deaths among teachers alarming
3 May 2002 (PlusNews ), Central and Eastern African countries, whose education systems are already threatened by HIV/AIDS, need to take concrete steps to minimise the impact of the pandemic, a regional forum in Yaounde, Cameroon, has concluded.
ZAMBIA: World Bank to support HIV/AIDS programme
3 May 2002 (PlusNews ), The World Bank has pledged US $42 million to help Zambia's anti-AIDS campaign, but disbursement of the funds will hinge on the response of an unpredictable parliament to a proposed new national HIV/AIDS policy.
SOUTH AFRICA: Global Fund boost for HIV/AIDS programme
2 May 2002 (PlusNews ), South Africa's HIV/AIDS programme received a boost last week with the announcement of a US $165.2 million grant from the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB) and Malaria.
LESOTHO: Country battles pandemic
29 April 2002 (PlusNews ), Lesotho has one of the highest HIV/AIDS infection rates in the world, yet prevention and treatment programmes are only just getting off the ground.
SOUTH AFRICA: Focus on the virgin myth and HIV/AIDS
25 April 2002 (PlusNews ), In a country long-sickened by the level of sexual violence, a shocking series of child rapes has stunned South Africa and left people grasping for answers.
AFRICA: Global Fund Announces grants
25 April 2002 (PlusNews ), The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria announced its first round of grants to country programmes to prevent and treat the three diseases on Thursday.
AFRICA: HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment possible - report
24 April 2002 (PlusNews ), With the right intervention at the right time HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria can be prevented and treated, according to a new joint report by UNAIDS, UNICEF and the World Health Organisation (WHO).
TANZANIA: Shipment of 10 million condoms blocked
23 April 2002 (PlusNews ), A shipment of 10 million condoms intended for free distribution across Tanzania, is currently being held in Dar es Salaam harbour, awaiting clearance after confusion as to whether they have passed quality control requirements.
GAMBIA: Genital mutilation increases infections, researchers say
22 April 2002 (PlusNews ), Women who have undergone female genital mutilation in Gambia have a higher prevalence of bacterial and viral infections, says a recent study of 1,348 women.
TANZANIA: HIV/AIDS prevalence increasing in Zanzibar
22 April 2002 (PlusNews ), United Nations HIV/AIDS experts believe HIV/AIDS prevalence in Zanzibar is on a steady increase, but are worried that currently available data could be underestimating the actual magnitude of the pandemic in the semi-autonomous islands.
SOUTH AFRICA: Focus on providing drugs to rape survivors
19 April 2002 (PlusNews ), The Sunninghill Rape Crisis Clinic in Johannesburg is one of a few institutions in the country that provides antiretrovirals to women who have been raped. It has been doing so since 1998.
SOUTHERN AFRICA: Possible El Nino may worsen food crisis
19 April 2002 (PlusNews ), Already facing widespread food shortages, Southern Africa may still have to deal with the effects of a possible El Nino event.
17 April 2002 (PlusNews ), With hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees expected to return over the next couple of months, doctors and health experts in the country fear a spread of infectious diseases - including HIV/AIDS.
ETHIOPIA: Mobile units help in HIV/AIDS prevention
17 April 2002 (PlusNews ), The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has launched a programme to bring HIV/AIDS prevention, counselling and testing to migrant populations in Ethiopia.

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