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AFRICA: Changing male behaviour crucial for HIV/AIDS prevention
2 September 2002 (PlusNews ), Empowering women to prevent HIV/AIDS has received much lip service in recent years. However the time has come for a real focus on changing male attitudes and behaviours, says Helen Jackson, United Nations Population Fund Regional HIV/AIDS advisor.
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: UNFPA provides US $5.5 million for reproductive health
30 August 2002 (PlusNews ), The United Nations Population Fund has agreed to finance the Central African Republic's (CAR) US $5.5-million project on family welfare and reproductive health.
KENYA: Focus on lack of access to HIV/AIDS drugs
29 August 2002 (PlusNews ), One could be forgiven for wondering why a tiny minority of HIV-positive Kenyans have access to antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) to keep themselves alive, or to be precise, 6,000 of an estimated two million who need the drugs.
AFRICA: HIV/AIDS and sustainable development
29 August 2002 (PlusNews ), Meaningful and sustainable development cannot occur if the HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to drain human resources, UNAIDS said in a new report released for the Earth Summit in Johannesburg.
MALAWI: Focus on impact of poverty, AIDS on schooling
28 August 2002 (PlusNews ), Poverty, hunger, and AIDS are threatening Malawi's free primary education programme, one of the key reforms introduced by the government which came to power eight years ago.
AFRICA: Access to HIV/AIDS treatment
27 August 2002 (PlusNews ), Delegates and health officials at the Earth Summit in Johannesburg have raised concerns that while there has been an increased awareness of the role of health in sustainable development, there was still a long way to go in improving the lives of the poor.
ZAMBIA: School feeding scheme for AIDS orphans
27 August 2002 (PlusNews ), The World Food Programme (WFP) in Zambia is planning an urban school feeding programme to help keep AIDS orphans in class, and support AIDS-affected families struggling to cope with rising food prices.
AFRICA: Sustainable development and the Global Fund
26 August 2002 (PlusNews ), The challenges of sustainable development can only be addressed when supported by international partnerships. The Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS is one such example, a senior US government official said at the World Summit on Sustainable Development.
UGANDA: Row over HIV/AIDS success story
23 August 2002 (PlusNews ), A leading scientific journal, The Lancet, has questioned Uganda's HIV/AIDS "success story", saying that it is based on flimsy evidence.
CONGO: Education key to curbing HIV/AIDS, say NGOs
22 August 2002 (PlusNews ), Key NGOs in the Republic of Congo (ROC) have stepped up outreach and education drives to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS in the impoverished central African country.
UGANDA: Sex education to be launched in primary schools
22 August 2002 (PlusNews ), A leading anti-HIV/AIDS organisation in Uganda has welcomed plans by President Yoweri Museveni's government to introduce sex education in the country's primary schools.
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Companies raise money for HIV infected workers
22 August 2002 (PlusNews ), A group of five firms in the Central African Republic (CAR), known as the Groupe Kamach, have agreed to hold a fund-raising drive to buy HIV/AIDS drugs for their infected employees.
LESOTHO: Impact of HIV/AIDS on land issues
22 August 2002 (PlusNews ), The current wave of land policy reforms in Lesotho has focused on the commercialisation of agriculture to promote economic growth and reduce poverty. But HIV/AIDS affected households face problems which may not allow them to benefit, a new report has warned.
BOTSWANA: Reducing risk for young people
21 August 2002 (PlusNews ), In the slums of Botswana's capital Gaborone, high unemployment mixed with alcohol and drug abuse help drive unsafe sex, reflected in shocking rates of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among the most vulnerable, adolescent girls.
SOUTH AFRICA: Public transport commuters and HIV/AIDS
21 August 2002 (PlusNews ), With almost half of the country's population using public transport, South African commuters have become a large mobile audience for interactive HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns.
AFRICA: Growth challenged by HIV/AIDS and conflict
21 August 2002 (PlusNews ), UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has observed that, despite a difficult environment, economic growth in Africa averaged about 3.1 percent last year. But he warned that violence, declining donor funding, and the scourges of AIDS and poverty were still critical problems plaguing Africa.
TANZANIA: HIV/AIDS debate heats up
20 August 2002 (PlusNews ), A leading Tanzanian health official has warned religious and civic leaders against "infighting" and "finger pointing" in the war against HIV/AIDS in the country
SOUTHERN AFRICA: Food crisis and HIV/AIDS depriving orphans of support
19 August 2002 (PlusNews ), The worsening food crisis in Southern Africa is leaving children orphaned by HIV/AIDS with very little support from extended families who simply have nothing extra to give.
ZAMBIA: Up to 10,000 to receive AIDS drugs
19 August 2002 (PlusNews ), Up to 10,000 people living with HIV/AIDS will soon receive anti-AIDS drugs in a government programme to accelerate access to treatment, the Zambian minister of health told PlusNews on Monday.
KENYA: Legislation changed on generic HIV/AIDS drugs imports
16 August 2002 (PlusNews ), Parliament has reversed an amendment to the Industrial Property Act curbing imports of generic HIV/AIDS drugs, according to an announcement by the Kenya Coalition for Access to Essential Medicines.

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