UGANDA: Government boost for PMTCT, paediatric services
1 December 2009 (PlusNews ), In a bid to reduce the rate of HIV transmission from mother to child, Uganda will now give all pregnant women highly active antiretroviral therapy.
UGANDA: It takes money to get universal access to treatment
1 December 2009 (PlusNews ), As donors tighten their belts in the global recession, health experts in Uganda worry that the national antiretroviral (ARV) programme, which is almost entirely dependent on foreign aid, will be unable to keep providing the life-prolonging drugs.
AFRICA: Uneven progress in paediatric ART rollout demands more action
1 December 2009 (PlusNews ), Phoebe Rajula is grateful that she and her daughter have access to life-prolonging antiretroviral medication, but the frequent trips to Mbagathi District Hospital in the capital, Nairobi, for their medication take a toll on her meagre finances and her energy levels.
AFRICA: The universal access hit parade
30 November 2009 (PlusNews ), The theme for World AIDS Day 2009 is 'Universal Access and Human Rights', and the efforts of the continent's developing countries to reach some of the key indicators of universal access are under closer scrutiny than ever. Will they do it?
LESOTHO: Mamaleshoae Nkhahle, "They look at me and see that I am not close to dying"
30 November 2009 (PlusNews ), Mamaleshoae Nkhahle is a mother of four who works as an expert patient at the Likotsi health clinic in Lesotho's capital, Maseru. She helps people newly diagnosed with HIV to come to grips with the stigma of the disease, and diminishes the effects of such attitudes by talking openly about her own experiences of living with the virus.
ANGOLA: HIV-positive couple live happily ever after
30 November 2009 (PlusNews ), The story of Epalanga, a poor farm boy, and his love for Belita, the daughter of a prosperous village merchant, captured the hearts of Angolans when the national broadcaster started airing the soap opera, "Camatondo", in 2004.
GLOBAL: Not enough progress on paediatric HIV
30 November 2009 (PlusNews ), Some headway has been made in mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS on children and young people, but too many are still needlessly infected, and receive little or no treatment, care and support.
GLOBAL: WHO sets new HIV treatment guidelines
30 November 2009 (PlusNews ), The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a new set of guidelines for the treatment of HIV and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) on 30 November.
AFRICA: Home-based care as effective as clinical care
26 November 2009 (PlusNews ), A new Ugandan study adds to a growing body of evidence that providing home-based antiretroviral (ARV) care in low-income settings can be as effective as facility-based interventions.
KENYA: Unprotected sex with multiple partners widespread - survey
26 November 2009 (PlusNews ), Kenyan men and women are continuing to have unprotected sex with multiple partners - despite numerous national media campaigns to sensitise the public to the dangers of sex without a condom and multiple partners.
MALAWI: Esinati Chimpere, "Is it a crime to be HIV positive?"
26 November 2009 (PlusNews ), The story of Esinati Chimpere, 29, a single mother living in Kanyumbaaka village, in the Balaka district of southern Malawi, reveals how stigma is refusing to die in some societies.
KENYA: New drive aims to test one million in three weeks
25 November 2009 (PlusNews ), The Kenyan government has launched an ambitious HIV campaign to test at least one million people across the country over a three-week period.
GLOBAL: Poor scorecards on AIDS responses for women
25 November 2009 (PlusNews ), That women and girls are particularly vulnerable to HIV and AIDS is well established, but a new report reveals how little we know about what countries are doing, or not doing, to address their vulnerability.
KENYA: The talking rocks of Emuhaya
24 November 2009 (PlusNews ), Fifteen years ago, Dan On'gayi was the first person in the western Kenyan village of Emuhaya to go public with his HIV status; at the time, the reaction from his community was so vitriolic he considered taking his own life.
GLOBAL: HIV infections slowing but prevention gap persists
24 November 2009 (PlusNews ), The rate of new HIV infections worldwide has declined by 17 percent in the past eight years and prevention efforts can take some of the credit, according to the annual UNAIDS update on the epidemic released on 24 November.
LESOTHO: Mountain clinics bring HIV services to remote villages
23 November 2009 (PlusNews ), Isolated mountain communities hard hit by HIV and AIDS in Lesotho have begun to reap benefits from the overhaul of nine healthcare clinics over the past four years.
SOUTH AFRICA: Life expectancy drops
21 November 2009 (PlusNews ), South Africans are dying younger and in greater numbers, and HIV/AIDS is to blame, according to a report released this week by the South African Institute of Race Relations.
UGANDA: HIV-positive women need family planning services, study shows
20 November 2009 (PlusNews ), HIV-positive women in western Uganda want fewer children than women not living with the virus, but often do not have access to family planning services, a new study reveals.
KENYA: Stigma holding back the fight against TB
19 November 2009 (PlusNews ), When Dorothy*, a single mother of five, told her neighbours in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, she had tuberculosis (TB), she expected sympathy and maybe even offers of help. Instead, she found herself so severely ostracized, she felt she had to move out.
SOUTH AFRICA: World Cup to help create HIV awareness
19 November 2009 (PlusNews ), In less than seven months South Africa will host the world's biggest single sporting event - the FIFA World Cup. The chance to reach millions of local and visiting football fans presents a golden opportunity, not only for the country's business and tourism sectors, but also for its efforts to combat HIV/AIDS.