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KENYA: Poverty hinders the fight against Nyanza's fishy sex trade
9 February 2010 (PlusNews ), If you were a fishmonger in Kisumu, a city on Lake Victoria in western Kenya, you would have to sleep with the fishermen to get stock to sell so you could make a living. A year ago Lucy Agoya got fed up with the practice and rallied a few women to take a stand against it.
KENYA: Ooko* and Pamela* - Snapshot of a jaboya relationship
9 February 2010 (PlusNews ), Ooko*, a fisherman in his mid-twenties operating mainly from Kisumu's Dunga beach, and Pamela*, a fish trader about 10 years older, have been in a sexual relationship for two years. He gives her the pick of his catch and she gives him companionship and sexual favours.
ETHIOPIA: Condom creations grace the catwalk
9 February 2010 (PlusNews ), The whims of fashion collided with some of life's harsher realities when, during a recent fashion show in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, condoms were the fabric of choice on the catwalk.
SOUTH AFRICA: Younger teachers more open about HIV
9 February 2010 (PlusNews ), Younger teachers in South Africa are taking the lead in talking to students about HIV but are not practicing what they preach, according to new research.
ZIMBABWE: HIV-positive people want constitutional rights
4 February 2010 (PlusNews ), AIDS activists in Zimbabwe have launched a major drive to ensure that the rights of people living with HIV are enshrined in the new constitution.
SUDAN: Positive networks fight HIV in the south
4 February 2010 (PlusNews ), Networks of people living with HIV in southern Sudan are trying to overcome deficiencies in the limping health system and broken infrastructure by spreading information about the pandemic and reducing stigma and denial.
SUDAN: Universal access still a long way off in the south
3 February 2010 (PlusNews ), Southern Sudan's poor infrastructure, largely illiterate population and dearth of health facilities and workers mean that despite five years of peace, HIV programmes are still in their infancy.
GLOBAL: Breakthrough could create better ARVs
1 February 2010 (PlusNews ), Scientists have finally discovered the structure of a key enzyme found in HIV and similar viruses, a breakthrough that has crucial implications for HIV treatment.
SUDAN: Battling HIV in a post-conflict army
29 January 2010 (PlusNews ), The evidence of five years of peace is everywhere in Juba, regional capital of Southern Sudan - in the brisk trade in the city's markets, its packed bars and nightclubs, and in the relaxed gait of the soldiers of the former rebel Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA).
SUDAN: Vulnerable girls risk sexual exploitation on Juba's streets
28 January 2010 (PlusNews ), In a large market in Juba, the regional capital of Southern Sudan, young women spend long afternoons lounging on beds in sweltering iron sheet rooms, waiting for men.
KENYA: Gung-ho grannies learn self-defence
27 January 2010 (PlusNews ), In a community hall in Korogocho, a slum in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, an instructor takes his students through their paces, but unlike the usual fitness fanatics, today's class is a group of elderly women learning self-defence techniques.
SOUTH AFRICA: Military gets new HIV policy
26 January 2010 (PlusNews ), The announcement in late 2009 that the government had approved a new HIV/AIDS policy in the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) was widely welcomed by AIDS and human rights lobbyists as long overdue.
ZIMBABWE: Gov't to double number of people on HIV treatment
22 January 2010 (PlusNews ), An ambitious state plan that will almost double the number of people on antiretroviral (ARV) treatment by the end of 2010 has drawn mixed reactions from AIDS activists, but increased donor funding has made the government quietly confident.
KENYA: Special tribunal for HIV-related issues
21 January 2010 (PlusNews ), The Kenyan government has created the first ever tribunal to handle legal issues relating to HIV, including discrimination against people living with HIV and protecting the confidentiality of medical records.
ZIMBABWE: Raising more money for HIV/AIDS
21 January 2010 (PlusNews ), A plan to expand the three percent AIDS levy to include those in the informal sector could have a negative impact on the lives of Zimbabweans, analysts have warned.
AFRICA: Crackdowns on gays make the closet safer
19 January 2010 (PlusNews ), More than two-thirds of African countries have laws criminalizing homosexual acts, and despite accounting for a significant percentage of new infections in many countries, men who have sex with men tend to be left out of the HIV response.
UGANDA: Museveni distances himself from "cruel" anti-gay bill
14 January 2010 (PlusNews ), Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has indicated he will not back a bill that would impose the death sentence for the crime of "aggravated homosexuality" - when an HIV-positive person has sex with anyone who is disabled or under the age of 18.
SOUTH AFRICA: Foreigners fare better on HIV treatment than citizens
14 January 2010 (PlusNews ), A study finding that foreigners are about half as likely to fail antiretroviral (ARV) treatment as South African citizens attending the same Johannesburg clinic has challenged widely held assumptions about migrants' ability to adhere to HIV/AIDS drug regimens.
KENYA: New strategy targets most at-risk populations
13 January 2010 (PlusNews ), Kenya has launched an ambitious strategy to fight HIV/AIDS that aims to reduce new infections by at least 50 percent over the next four years and focus more on most at-risk populations.
RWANDA: New campaign to boost condom use
12 January 2010 (PlusNews ), A campaign by the Rwandan government aims to significantly increase the use of both male and female condoms in the country, where it is estimated that sexually active people use an average of just three condoms per year.

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