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ZAMBIA: Education sector losing 800 teachers to AIDS
23 August 2006 (PlusNews ), Zambia is losing 800 teachers every year to AIDS-related illnesses, the Zambia National Union of teachers (ZNUT) has revealed.
ZAMBIA: Possible AIDS increase through mining
28 July 2006 (PlusNews ), Increased mining activity in Zambia's Copperbelt province of could result in higher HIV prevalence rates for the area, an AIDS NGO has said.
ZAMBIA: Lewis warns against complacency
25 July 2006 (PlusNews ), Zambia will win its fight against HIV/AIDS, government officials told UN Special Envoy for AIDS in Africa Stephen Lewis on Monday.
ZAMBIA: Govt concern over rural ARV/VCT access
24 July 2006 (PlusNews ), Zambia is busy working to bring antiretroviral (ARV) drugs and voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) facilities to rural areas, Ministry of Health officials announced on Sunday.
ZAMBIA: Recovering Copperbelt faces new dangers
19 July 2006 (PlusNews ), After a decade of unemployment, Zambia's Copperbelt region is recovering thanks to surging world copper prices. But, with among the worst HIV infection rates in the country, the legacy of the recession will be felt for many years to come.
ZAMBIA: AIDS orphan numbers at global high
14 July 2006 (PlusNews ), Zambia has one of the world's highest numbers of children orphaned by HIV/AIDS, UN Development Programme (UNDP) officials said on Thursday.
ZAMBIA: Low VCT take-up worrying
3 July 2006 (PlusNews ), Zambian National AIDS Council (NAC) director Dr Alex Simwanza has expressed concern over the poor take-up of HIV voluntary counselling and testing (VCT).
ZAMBIA: Low testing figures forces govt to launch national testing day
22 June 2006 (PlusNews ), The low uptake of HIV voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) services in Zambia has forced the government to come up with a national testing day to encourage more people to know their status.
ZAMBIA: HIV prevention campaign supports circumcision
1 May 2006 (PlusNews ), Zambian authorities at the weekend acknowledged male circumcision as a preventative measure in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
ZAMBIA: VCT/condom takeup low - survey
20 April 2006 (PlusNews ), Zambia's '2005 Sexual Behaviour Survey', published on Wednesday, revealed that only 13 percent of the population has been tested for HIV, while condom use was lower than in previous years, indicating a declining trend.
ZAMBIA: High-profile HIV testing call renewed
3 April 2006 (PlusNews ), Zambian medical experts are again pushing for the nation's leaders to undergo mandatory HIV testing as a means of combating related stigma and discrimination.
ZAMBIA: EC backs drought and AIDS relief
30 March 2006 (PlusNews ), The European Commission (EC) on Wednesday announced a pledge of US $2.6 million to reduce the cumulative effects of drought and HIV/AIDS in Zambia.
ZAMBIA: A snip in time can save lives
16 March 2006 (PlusNews ), Fifteen year-old Chitambu Kalezyi recently came back from a month-long bush camp where he participated in the mukanda traditional ceremony, practiced by the major ethnic groups of the Northwestern province of Zambia.
ZAMBIA: New PEPFAR cash allocated for HIV/AIDS
15 March 2006 (PlusNews ), The US is to give a further $150 million towards the development of Zambia's health infrastructure and other HIV/AIDS-related activities.
ZAMBIA: Rights abuses decried amid AIDS impact
9 March 2006 (PlusNews ), Zambia President Levy Mwanawasa has called for an end to retrogressive practices like sexual cleansing, especially in light of the advent of HIV/AIDS.
ZAMBIA: Risky business - Fish for Sex
8 March 2006 (PlusNews ), When fish are scarce in the Kafue Flats wetlands of south-central Zambia, and competition between fish traders is high, fish for sex deals between the female traders and fishermen are often a means of survival for the women, but this form of transactional sex comes at a price.
ZAMBIA: ARV rollout - quality not quantity?
13 February 2006 (PlusNews ), As the Zambian government takes stock of its progress in providing treatment to its HIV-positive citizens during 2005, activists and health officials agree that more emphasis should have been placed on quality, and not quantity.
ZAMBIA: Promising new combination therapy reduces MTCT
26 January 2006 (PlusNews ), Zambia's government has begun using a new drug in its prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programme, in an effort to reduce drug resistance in both mother and infant.
ZAMBIA: US university study to examine AIDS treatment hurdles
9 January 2006 (PlusNews ), Researchers from America's Michigan State University (MSU) are to examine the barriers faced by HIV-positive people accessing anti-AIDS treatment in Zambia.
ZAMBIA: High AIDS rates stable, need more work - UN official
23 November 2005 (PlusNews ), Zambia's HIV/AIDS rates are high but stable, due to remedial measures put in place by the government, UNAIDS country coordinator, Catherine Sozi, said earlier this week.

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