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UGANDA: HIV/AIDS vaccine trials underway
12 February 2003 (PlusNews ), Trials of an HIV/AIDS vaccine began on human volunteers on Monday in Entebbe, Uganda.
UGANDA: HIV/AIDS vaccine trials to begin this week
10 February 2003 (PlusNews ), Phase one trials of an HIV vaccine are set to begin after a seven-month delay, the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) said on Monday.
UGANDA: HIV/AIDS support organisation gets private sector funding
10 February 2003 (PlusNews ), Four hundred AIDS orphans are expected to benefit from a US $81,000 grant made available by a local cellular company, the AIDS Support Organisation (TASO) said on Monday.
UGANDA: High levels of domestic violence in rural areas
27 January 2003 (PlusNews ), A recent study by an American university has shown that about one in three women living in rural Uganda experiences verbal or physical threats from their partners. Fifty percent of them receive injuries as a result.
UGANDA: UGANDA: HIV/AIDS drugs for workers infected on duty
9 January 2003 (PlusNews ), Uganda on Thursday said healthcare workers who contracted the HI virus while on duty would get free drug therapy.
UGANDA: UGANDA: Condoms minor cause of HIV/AIDS decline
19 December 2002 (PlusNews ), The decline in HIV/AIDS infections in Uganda could be attributed to abstinence and faithfulness, and to a lesser extent, condom use, according to a recent report by a team of American and Ugandan researchers.
UGANDA: UGANDA: Economy hard-hit by HIV/AIDS
11 December 2002 (PlusNews ), The health and agricultural sectors in Uganda had been badly affected, despite the fact that the country had managed to bring down the rate of infection, according to a recent UN Development Programme (UNDP) report.
UGANDA: Row over HIV/AIDS success story
23 August 2002 (PlusNews ), A leading scientific journal, The Lancet, has questioned Uganda's HIV/AIDS "success story", saying that it is based on flimsy evidence.
UGANDA: Sex education to be launched in primary schools
22 August 2002 (PlusNews ), A leading anti-HIV/AIDS organisation in Uganda has welcomed plans by President Yoweri Museveni's government to introduce sex education in the country's primary schools.
UGANDA: AIDS and war orphans a compelling concern
22 February 2002 (PlusNews ), Uganda has an estimated 1.7 million orphans, the highest number in the world, according to a new study. This has prompted World Vision to urge the government to urgently develop a policy on orphans, to help them grow with a degree of care and dignity.
UGANDA: Government to promote condoms in villages
17 January 2002 (PlusNews ), The Ugandan government is soon to start distributing free condoms in villages countrywide as part of its struggle against the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
UGANDA: PlusNews Country Profile
16 November 2001 (PlusNews ), Uganda Country Profile
UGANDA: Uganda to provide Nevirapine for all pregnant women
1 October 2001 (PlusNews ), The Ugandan Health Ministry announced last week that it was considering a mandate that made it compulsory for all pregnant women to receive Nevirapine, a drug that could reduce vertical HIV/AIDS transmission by up to 50 percent.
UGANDA: AIDS conference drafts action plan
18 September 2001 (PlusNews ), Delegates at the ongoing Global Strategies for the Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mothers to Infants conference in Kampala had come up with an action plan calling for programmes to eradicate or drastically reduce vertical transmission of HIV from mothers to infants, the ‘New Vision’ newspaper reported on Friday.
UGANDA: Women have to stop breast-feeding to prevent passing HIV to babies
12 September 2001 (PlusNews ), African women infected with HIV/AIDS have to break with tradition and stop breast-feeding to prevent passing it on to their children, medical experts told delegates at a four-day conference on Global Strategy for the Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mothers to Infants, AP reported.
UGANDA: President to be presented with anti-HIV/AIDS award
5 September 2001 (PlusNews ), Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni was to receive an award on Thursday for his leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS, Xinhua news agency has reported.

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