GLOBAL: We can save more babies, say researchers
20 November 2008 (PlusNews ), A ground-breaking South African study has provided the first hard evidence that treating HIV-positive babies with antiretroviral (ARV) medicines from as early as six weeks dramatically improves their chances of survival.
GLOBAL: Falling foul of the Fund
4 November 2008 (PlusNews ), The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was formed in 2001 for the purpose of setting up an innovative approach to providing finance to combat the three diseases that kill more than six million people worldwide every year.
GLOBAL: Leadership determines AIDS performance
25 September 2008 (PlusNews ), As South Africa prepared to swear in a new president on 25 September after the dramatic ousting of Thabo Mbeki four days before, attempts by commentators to summarise the former president's mixed legacy have not failed to mention his controversial stance on AIDS.
GLOBAL: AIDS spending breaks records, but needs more focus
8 July 2008 (PlusNews ), HIV/AIDS funding to low- and middle-income countries reached a record level in 2007, according to a new report by UNAIDS.
AFRICA: Mind your language - a short guide to HIV/AIDS slang
18 June 2008 (PlusNews ), HIV has hit our lives, our families, our economies; it also shapes the way we talk. IRIN/PlusNews looks at how the virus and its impact translates into everyday speech from the streets of Lagos to the townships of Johannesburg, and finds that despite the billions of dollars spent on positive communication strategies, the word on the street remains decidedly negative.
SOUTHERN AFRICA: Understanding infidelity
5 June 2008 (PlusNews ), "Multiple, concurrent partnerships" has become the latest catchphrase in the HIV/AIDS lexicon. It refers to the practice of having more than one sexual partner at the same time, which experts say is a key driver of Southern Africa's devastating HIV/AIDS epidemic.
GLOBAL: Less silence, more science could make anal sex safer
27 February 2008 (PlusNews ), The silence and taboo surrounding anal sex is putting millions of men and women at risk of HIV, delegates attending the fourth international microbicides conference in New Delhi, India, heard this week.
GLOBAL: ARVs in microbicide research - keeping hope alive?
25 February 2008 (PlusNews ), After a string of depressing trial results, the fourth international microbicides conference in New Delhi, India, kicked off this week with a ray of hope that new research could deliver a new generation of HIV prevention approaches for women.
TOGO: Haphazard ARV supplies threaten lives
4 December 2007 (PlusNews ), A desperate shortage of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs in the West African country of Togo has temporarily eased with the arrival of a two-month supply of the life-prolonging medication.
GLOBAL: Women want a bigger piece of the funding pie
10 July 2007 (PlusNews ), After burning the midnight oil for many weeks while preparing a US$50 million gender-based project proposal to lay before the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria, Swazi activists found that it had vanished from their country's grant application. They were dumbfounded.
GLOBAL: Global forum for women with HIV
5 July 2007 (PlusNews ), AIDS does not only travel with truckers along African highways; it flies business class with men in dark suits, crawls into marriages and lurks in playgrounds. It smiles at you every day at work and, disproportionately, affects African women and girls because of gender inequalities.
TOGO: End of grant causes concern
9 November 2006 (PlusNews ), Togolese nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) have warned that the end of a grant by the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria could put at least 24,000 HIV-infected people at risk.
TOGO: Alleged mismanagement of funds worries NGOs
20 September 2006 (PlusNews ), Togolese NGOs are circulating a petition to pressure Togolese officials to take measures to assure that funds contributed to help fight HIV/AIDS in the country are well managed after financing for their programmes was suspended.
TOGO: Poor ARV access amid HIV decline
24 July 2006 (PlusNews ), Togo has almost halved its HIV prevalence rate over the past year, but antiretroviral (ARV) medication is still hard to come by for most people who need it, Reuters reported on Monday.
TOGO: 'Condoms are good, but abstinence is better'
19 April 2006 (PlusNews ), After consistently emphasising condoms in their prevention campaigns, organisations in Togo are advocating abstinence, creating confusion among young people.
TOGO: Battling men's reticence to have pregnant women tested for HIV
26 July 2005 (PlusNews ), More than 18 months into a programme to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Togo, half the pregnant women approached are still refusing to be tested for the virus during prenatal consultations, often because of pressure from their male partner, doctors said.
TOGO: UN agencies working to locate HIV patients displaced by post election violence
30 May 2005 (PlusNews ), Post-election violence has forced tens of thousands of Togolese to flee their homes, some of whom are living with AIDS and no longer have access to life prolonging anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment, the UN children's agency UNICEF said.
TOGO: UN works to locate displaced HIV-positive people
30 May 2005 (PlusNews ), The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) has expressed concern over the HIV-positive people among the tens of thousands fleeing their homes as a result of post-election violence in Togo.
TOGO: Fighting to keep ARV drugs within population's grasp
17 March 2005 (PlusNews ), Augustin Dokla has been at the forefront of the fight against HIV/AIDS ever since he was diagnosed as HIV-positive 10 years ago. Now he is setting his sights on keeping the supply of cheap antiretroviral drugs (ARV) in Togo from drying up.
TOGO: Truckers know the risks but spurn condom use
30 November 2004 (PlusNews ), "It's a question of money," said one of the many truck drivers milling about the main border crossing between Benin and Togo. "Most of the girls are simply after money, and if I decide it'll be without a condom, then it'll be without a condom."