GLOBAL: Leadership determines AIDS performance
25 September 2008 (PlusNews ), As South Africa prepared to swear in a new president on 25 September after the dramatic ousting of Thabo Mbeki four days before, attempts by commentators to summarise the former president's mixed legacy have not failed to mention his controversial stance on AIDS.
GLOBAL: AIDS spending breaks records, but needs more focus
8 July 2008 (PlusNews ), HIV/AIDS funding to low- and middle-income countries reached a record level in 2007, according to a new report by UNAIDS.
CHAD: Weapons instead of ARVs
30 June 2008 (PlusNews ), The global rise in petrol prices favours oil-producing countries like Chad, but the funds allocated to the fight against AIDS in the government's 2008 budget have decreased compared to 2007 because of a need for increased expenditure on security in this unstable country.
AFRICA: Mind your language - a short guide to HIV/AIDS slang
18 June 2008 (PlusNews ), HIV has hit our lives, our families, our economies; it also shapes the way we talk. IRIN/PlusNews looks at how the virus and its impact translates into everyday speech from the streets of Lagos to the townships of Johannesburg, and finds that despite the billions of dollars spent on positive communication strategies, the word on the street remains decidedly negative.
SOUTHERN AFRICA: Understanding infidelity
5 June 2008 (PlusNews ), "Multiple, concurrent partnerships" has become the latest catchphrase in the HIV/AIDS lexicon. It refers to the practice of having more than one sexual partner at the same time, which experts say is a key driver of Southern Africa's devastating HIV/AIDS epidemic.
CHAD: HIV/AIDS is not the only threat to life
7 April 2008 (PlusNews ), If someone living with HIV in the southern Danamadji region of Chad needs to go to hospital, and they are not too weak, the best way of getting there is usually by ox-cart, but it can take up to a day and a half to get there - unless they are attacked by elephants on the way.
CHAD: PMTCT - a difficult birth
28 March 2008 (PlusNews ), Lowering the chances of an HIV positive mother passing the virus onto her child is a simple case of giving mother and baby one dose of the antiretroviral drug, nevirapine. Implementing a national prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission programme, however, is far less simple.
CHAD: Shaky start to AIDS fight
26 March 2008 (PlusNews ), Wracked by decades of political insecurity, HIV/AIDS simply wasn't a priority in Chad for many years. A chronic lack of health workers and uncertain funding delayed efforts further, but the government of Chad is finally starting to take action.
CHAD: Refugees waiting for HIV services
10 March 2008 (PlusNews ), Most of the roughly 50,000 people in the Amboko and Dosseye refugee camps near Goré, in the tropical forest of southern Chad, have fled across the border from neighbouring Central African Republic (CAR), but efforts to prevent and treat HIV among the camp residents are still in their infancy.
CHAD: Young people desperately seeking sex education
28 February 2008 (PlusNews ), Some of the young people who seek help at the Youth Information and Orientation Centre for Reproductive Health (CIOJ) in N'Djamena, capital of Chad, do not understand how they became pregnant or contracted a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Workers at the centre blame the high levels of ignorance on the failure of parents to talk to their children about sex.
GLOBAL: Less silence, more science could make anal sex safer
27 February 2008 (PlusNews ), The silence and taboo surrounding anal sex is putting millions of men and women at risk of HIV, delegates attending the fourth international microbicides conference in New Delhi, India, heard this week.
CHAD: Insecurity hampers HIV efforts
26 February 2008 (PlusNews ), People living with HIV in Chad risk becoming victims of the explosion of violence in the capital, N'Djamena, in early February. During clashes between the army and groups of rebels from the east of the country, health services were damaged and many organisations working to fight the epidemic were looted.
GLOBAL: ARVs in microbicide research - keeping hope alive?
25 February 2008 (PlusNews ), After a string of depressing trial results, the fourth international microbicides conference in New Delhi, India, kicked off this week with a ray of hope that new research could deliver a new generation of HIV prevention approaches for women.
CHAD: AIDS funding flows again
16 August 2007 (PlusNews ), Almost a year after suspending a grant of over US$20 million for Chad's AIDS and tuberculosis response, the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria announced this week that it had lifted the sanctions, which had severely disrupted efforts to curb the spread of the HIV epidemic, health officials said.
GLOBAL: Women want a bigger piece of the funding pie
10 July 2007 (PlusNews ), After burning the midnight oil for many weeks while preparing a US$50 million gender-based project proposal to lay before the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria, Swazi activists found that it had vanished from their country's grant application. They were dumbfounded.
GLOBAL: Global forum for women with HIV
5 July 2007 (PlusNews ), AIDS does not only travel with truckers along African highways; it flies business class with men in dark suits, crawls into marriages and lurks in playgrounds. It smiles at you every day at work and, disproportionately, affects African women and girls because of gender inequalities.
CHAD: Worries about AIDS funding crunch after World Bank spat
3 February 2006 (PlusNews ), Chad's fight against AIDS is set to be one of the main victims if a standoff between the government and the World Bank drags on, senior UN officials have warned.
CHAD: Speaking out for the voiceless
7 March 2005 (PlusNews ), It took Denis Baba Tatola a year to tell his wife and neighbours that he was HIV-positive. Today he is a committed campaigner against the pandemic, working to convince people living with HIV/AIDS in Chad to join the fight.
CHAD: HIV free certificates on sale to woo girls and get loans
4 March 2005 (PlusNews ), Chadian men wanting to chat up the girls or boost their credit rating are turning to fake certificates to prove they are not HIV-positive, to improve their chances with potential partners and private moneylenders.
CHAD: "Keep your chin up, Miss!"
14 January 2005 (PlusNews ), Gisele Ngamada, who is 36, found out she was HIV-positive five years ago. She has lost custody of her children, she has given up sex and now has a single aim in life - get to Europe as soon as possible for treatment.