KENYA-SOMALIA: Hidden sex work, HIV risk in Dadaab
16 September 2011 (PlusNews ), At Ifo trading centre, a short distance from northeastern Kenya's Dadaab refugee complex, Hawa*, a teenage girl, sits in a dark room on an old jerry can holding a small bunch of fresh khat, a mild stimulant, ostensibly for sale.
KENYA-SOMALIA: Refugees at risk of sexual violence
8 September 2011 (PlusNews ), Amina*, 27, left her home town of Kismayo in south-central Somalia at the end of May for northern Kenya's Dadaab refugee camp. The journey took her and her four children 14 days and nearly broke them, but between the famine and the conflict, she was afraid that staying in Somalia could mean death.
HORN OF AFRICA: Drought and HIV - a dangerous combination
28 July 2011 (PlusNews ), More than 11.6 million people are facing starvation in the Horn of Africa, and as aid agencies struggle to feed them, experts are warning that a lack of food could have wider consequences, including jeopardizing the health of people on HIV treatment.
SOMALIA: Stigma, insecurity hold back HIV fight in Mogadishu
3 May 2011 (PlusNews ), Residents of Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, are understandably more concerned with dodging bullets than avoiding HIV, but this lack of knowledge means widespread ignorance about HIV prevention, while people who are HIV-positive are often ostracized by their communities.
SOMALIA: Baby steps towards a PMTCT programme
29 November 2010 (PlusNews ), Many African countries are struggling to eliminate mother-to-child HIV transmission, a vital component of the universal access to HIV prevention target, but in Somalia a programme to prevent such infections is just getting started.
HIV/AIDS: MSM groups hail pill to prevent HIV
24 November 2010 (PlusNews ), Gay rights groups have hailed the results of the first study to show that an antiretroviral (ARV) drug can prevent HIV as an important step in the fight against HIV, but say that in countries that criminalize homosexuality, the breakthrough is unlikely to have a significant impact.
HIV/AIDS: Global Fund looks to private sector to fill funding gap
14 October 2010 (PlusNews ), With its coffers running at least US$1 billion short, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is looking to the private sector to fill the funding gap.
HEALTH: New global plan aims to wipe out TB
14 October 2010 (PlusNews ), A new roadmap for curbing the global epidemic of tuberculosis aims to save five million lives between 2011 and 2015 and eliminate TB as a public health problem by 2050 but comes with a price tag of US$47 billion, nearly half of which must still be found.
SOMALIA: Let's talk about HIV stigma
12 August 2010 (PlusNews ), In conservative Somali culture, discussions about HIV are frowned upon, but four young people recently broke with tradition to speak to IRIN about their experience of living with the virus.
KENYA-SOMALIA: Halima*, "You find out very quickly who your friends are"
10 June 2010 (PlusNews ), In Somalia's conservative Muslim society it is extremely rare for someone living with HIV to speak out about their status, and even more so for a woman. But Halima*, a Somali refugee in Kenya and a mother of four in her fifties, told IRIN her story, which is also part of a recent IRIN Radio Somali programme.
SOMALIA: HIV education goes to school
15 April 2010 (PlusNews ), A new programme is targeting about 800 primary and junior high school students in northwestern Somalia's self-declared republic of Somaliland with HIV/AIDS messages for the first time.
SOMALIA: High-risk truckers still unaware of HIV
26 March 2010 (PlusNews ), The truck drivers who criss-cross Somalia are considered at high risk of HIV, but incomplete prevention messages mean they are ill-equipped to protect themselves against the virus.
AFRICA: Crackdowns on gays make the closet safer
19 January 2010 (PlusNews ), More than two-thirds of African countries have laws criminalizing homosexual acts, and despite accounting for a significant percentage of new infections in many countries, men who have sex with men tend to be left out of the HIV response.
SOMALIA: Mahamud Warsame, "I am doing this so no one has to go through what my wife and I went through"
14 December 2009 (PlusNews ), In a conservative Muslim society such as Somalia, it is extremely rare for a person living with HIV to speak out. But Mahamud Warsame, 53, from Galkayo in Mudug region of central Somalia, became an activist after his wife died from an HIV-related illness.
SOMALIA: Burying stigma in Somaliland
14 December 2009 (PlusNews ), When a young HIV-positive woman recently passed away in Hargeisa, capital of the self-declared republic of Somaliland, none of the women in her family volunteered to carry out the traditional Islamic rite of washing the body before burial.
AFRICA: Electronic records can streamline health care
27 October 2009 (PlusNews ), Replacing manual data with electronic health records would significantly improve the quality of care and enable African HIV treatment programmes to be scaled up more efficiently, say the authors of a new article on the subject.
AFRICA: Condoms - the hole truth
10 September 2009 (PlusNews ), Having a condom split during sex is not much fun, but the idea that millions of condoms may be faulty before they are opened is the stuff nightmares are made of.
AFRICA: Male circumcision slowly taking off
23 July 2009 (PlusNews ), The World Health Organization endorsed male circumcision (MC) as an HIV-prevention measure two years ago, but implementation of large-scale male circumcision programmes has been relatively slow.
GLOBAL: Treating addiction can prevent HIV
22 July 2009 (PlusNews ), Alcohol and drug addiction are major drivers of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in many parts of the world, but for political and ideological reasons, scientists and clinicians have tended to shy away from this area of HIV research, while governments and donors have been reluctant to fund programmes targeting addicts.
GLOBAL: Test and treat to wipe out AIDS
21 July 2009 (PlusNews ), The idea of using antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) not only to treat HIV infection but also to prevent new infections, and eventually to eradicate the virus almost entirely, is being hotly debated at the 5th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Cape Town, South Africa, this week.