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NAMIBIA: HIV/AIDS brings change in Himba communities
11 April 2006 (PlusNews ), Namibia's pastoral Himba community has largely remained separate from the rest of Namibian society, but NGOs warn that their cultural practices and isolation from HIV/AIDS prevention efforts could heighten their vulnerability to the virus.
NAMIBIA: Calls for the legalisation of prostitution
24 March 2006 (PlusNews ), When former Namibian health minister Libertina Amathila made an emotional plea five years ago for prostitution to be legalised, her cabinet colleagues, parliament and the churches shot her views down, saying they were unacceptable.
NAMIBIA: AIDS programmes forgetting elderly caregivers
22 March 2006 (PlusNews ), Namibia's HIV/AIDS policies have not kept pace with the extent to which the elderly can contribute to the fight against the pandemic.
NAMIBIA: Ships, trucks, clubs and HIV/AIDS
2 March 2006 (PlusNews ), After spending months at sea or cooped up in a truck for several days, young men working far away from home, arrive in the port city of Walvis Bay with money to burn, helping to fuel HIV infection.
NAMIBIA: Inheritance rights still a thorny issue
14 February 2006 (PlusNews ), When Barakias Shangheta, 17, heard that his father had died at the local hospital in Okakarara, a village northeast of the capital, Windhoek, he ran to the cattle pastures and rounded up some of the herd for "safekeeping". "I knew that my father's relatives would target these and leave me and my mother with nothing," Shangheta told IRIN.
NAMIBIA: Poor access to treatment hampers fight against TB
25 January 2006 (PlusNews ), Despite its status as a middle-income country, Namibia has a high incidence of tuberculosis (TB), a poverty-related disease.
NAMIBIA: Prison HIV prevention hindered by discriminating laws
9 January 2006 (PlusNews ), A longstanding Namibian law condemning sex between men is hindering condom distribution and HIV prevention efforts in the country's prisons, AIDS activists have charged.
NAMIBIA: Frank parent/child sex talk urged
25 November 2005 (PlusNews ), Namibian Parliamentarians have called on parents to challenge tradition by engaging in frank sex talk with their children.
NAMIBIA: Government urged to decriminalise sex work
10 November 2005 (PlusNews ), An appeal by a public interest law group has Namibia considering the decriminalisation of sex work.
NAMIBIA: Unchanged behaviour amid AIDS awareness
31 October 2005 (PlusNews ), The Namibian Health Ministry has said sexual behaviours remain unchanged, despite increased awareness and knowledge about the dangers of HIV/AIDS.
NAMIBIA: Underage sex-workers have few other options to survive
24 October 2005 (PlusNews ), It's 22:30 on a hot, humid Saturday night in the seedy suburb of Ausspannplatz, south of the central business district of Windhoek, the Namibian capital.
NAMIBIA: Growing controversy over teen pregnancy
20 October 2005 (PlusNews ), Ndjianje Tjiraure, 16, always excelled as a student at Ashipena High School in Katutura, Namibia's oldest black suburb.
NAMIBIA: Gender equality crucial in stemming HIV/AIDS pandemic
20 October 2005 (PlusNews ), The Women's Leadership Centre (WLC) has called for "full and urgent implementation" of the National Gender Policy, as gender equality is an integral part of preventing and treating HIV/AIDS.
NAMIBIA: HIV/AIDS takes sustenance as well as lives
7 October 2005 (PlusNews ), HIV/AIDS is robbing subsistence farmers of the ability to grow enough food, according to a new survey conducted in northern Namibia.
NAMIBIA: Action plan for local authorities
4 October 2005 (PlusNews ), Namibian municipalities are drafting action plans to strengthen community responses to tackling the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
NAMIBIA: Hard of hearing neglected by HIV/AIDS information campaigns
3 October 2005 (PlusNews ), The Namibian National Association for the Deaf (NNAD) has raised concerns over poor accessibility to HIV/AIDS information by Namibia's hearing impaired.
NAMIBIA: Hope for AIDS orphans
28 September 2005 (PlusNews ), As the number of AIDS orphans in Namibia climbs steadily, caregivers are turning to each other for emotional support.
NAMIBIA: HIV/AIDS considered "natural disaster"
22 September 2005 (PlusNews ), Namibia's Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Libertina Amathila, has urged delegates at a disaster management meeting of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to consider HIV/AIDS a "natural disaster".
NAMIBIA: US $30.7 million Global Fund grant to benefit recipients
22 August 2005 (PlusNews ), HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria initiatives in Namibia are set to finally benefit from the US $30.7 million granted to the country nearly 10 months ago by the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
NAMIBIA: Govt addresses issue of deteriorating healthcare
10 August 2005 (PlusNews ), Namibia's Ministry of Health has expressed concern over the deteriorating level of patient care in public hospitals and clinics.

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