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GLOBAL: Leadership determines AIDS performance
25 September 2008 (PlusNews ), As South Africa prepared to swear in a new president on 25 September after the dramatic ousting of Thabo Mbeki four days before, attempts by commentators to summarise the former president's mixed legacy have not failed to mention his controversial stance on AIDS.
GLOBAL: AIDS spending breaks records, but needs more focus
8 July 2008 (PlusNews ), HIV/AIDS funding to low- and middle-income countries reached a record level in 2007, according to a new report by UNAIDS.
AFRICA: Mind your language - a short guide to HIV/AIDS slang
18 June 2008 (PlusNews ), HIV has hit our lives, our families, our economies; it also shapes the way we talk. IRIN/PlusNews looks at how the virus and its impact translates into everyday speech from the streets of Lagos to the townships of Johannesburg, and finds that despite the billions of dollars spent on positive communication strategies, the word on the street remains decidedly negative.
SOUTHERN AFRICA: Understanding infidelity
5 June 2008 (PlusNews ), "Multiple, concurrent partnerships" has become the latest catchphrase in the HIV/AIDS lexicon. It refers to the practice of having more than one sexual partner at the same time, which experts say is a key driver of Southern Africa's devastating HIV/AIDS epidemic.
GLOBAL: Less silence, more science could make anal sex safer
27 February 2008 (PlusNews ), The silence and taboo surrounding anal sex is putting millions of men and women at risk of HIV, delegates attending the fourth international microbicides conference in New Delhi, India, heard this week.
GLOBAL: ARVs in microbicide research - keeping hope alive?
25 February 2008 (PlusNews ), After a string of depressing trial results, the fourth international microbicides conference in New Delhi, India, kicked off this week with a ray of hope that new research could deliver a new generation of HIV prevention approaches for women.
GLOBAL: Women want a bigger piece of the funding pie
10 July 2007 (PlusNews ), After burning the midnight oil for many weeks while preparing a US$50 million gender-based project proposal to lay before the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria, Swazi activists found that it had vanished from their country's grant application. They were dumbfounded.
GLOBAL: Global forum for women with HIV
5 July 2007 (PlusNews ), AIDS does not only travel with truckers along African highways; it flies business class with men in dark suits, crawls into marriages and lurks in playgrounds. It smiles at you every day at work and, disproportionately, affects African women and girls because of gender inequalities.
GAMBIA: UN rep expelled after comment on president’s AIDS cure
23 February 2007 (PlusNews ), The government of The Gambia gave the most senior United Nations official in the country 48 hours to leave the country starting Friday, following remarks she made criticising Gambian President Yahya Jammeh’s widely-publicised cure for HIV/AIDS.
GAMBIA: President’s AIDS cure raising more questions than answers
12 February 2007 (PlusNews ), An unsubstantiated but well-publicised claim by The Gambia’s President Yahya Jammeh that he can cure AIDS risks setting back efforts to stop the virus from spreading in the tiny West Africa nation and the region, campaigners warn.
GAMBIA: WHO donates CD4 testing equipment
7 March 2006 (PlusNews ), Anti-AIDS efforts in Gambia have been bolstered by a World Health Organisation donation of CD4 monitoring equipment to help measure the immunity of people living with the HI virus.
GAMBIA: Free AIDS treatment programme launched
14 October 2004 (PlusNews ), A free anti-AIDS drug programme launched this week in Gambia will benefit 150 people living with HIV and AIDS, the country's Medical Research Council has announced.
GAMBIA: 150 AIDS patients to benefit from pilot ARV programme
13 October 2004 (PlusNews ), About 150 people living with AIDS in the Gambia will benefit from free anti-retroviral therapy in a pilot programme launched by the government this week, Doctor Sam McConkey, a director of the government's Medical Research Council, said on Wednesday.
GAMBIA: Condom campaign angers Catholic cleric
15 September 2004 (PlusNews ), The Roman Catholic Church has voiced its opposition to the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS in Gambia, challenging a government-backed prevention campaign based on the distribution of cheap contraceptives to the country's youth.
GAMBIA: WHO helps develop policy on traditional medicine
9 September 2004 (PlusNews ), The World Health Organisation (WHO) is helping to fund the development of a tradional medicine policy for the West African country of The Gambia.
GAMBIA: Anti-AIDS chapter launched to protect women
26 January 2004 (PlusNews ), A new initiative to protect Gambian women against HIV/AIDS was recently launched by the Minister for Women's Affairs, Isatou Njie-Saidy.
GAMBIA: Health official warns of complacency
1 September 2003 (PlusNews ), Gambia's department of health has warned that there should be "no room for complacency" when tackling HIV/AIDS.
GAMBIA: Genital mutilation increases infections, researchers say
22 April 2002 (PlusNews ), Women who have undergone female genital mutilation in Gambia have a higher prevalence of bacterial and viral infections, says a recent study of 1,348 women.

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