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ZIMBABWE: Another setback for anti-AIDS treatment, 14/Dec/06
BULAWAYO, 14 December (PLUSNEWS) - Zimbabwe's health minister, HIV/AIDS activists and health experts have all warned that a recent increase in the cost of CD4 tests, which measure the... Email Report

ZIMBABWE: Sick economy fuels growth of fake drug market, 13/Dec/06
HARARE, 13 December (PLUSNEWS) - Zimbabwe's deteriorating health services have made room for a thriving parallel market for drugs, many of them counterfeit, warn concerned health... Email Report

KENYA: Urgent action needed to avert resistant TB - activists, 13/Dec/06
NAIROBI, 13 December (PLUSNEWS) - Kenya risks falling victim to new, drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis (TB), found elsewhere on the continent, if the government fails to take the... Email Report

ANGOLA: Witchcraft" an excuse for child abuse, 13/Dec/06
LUANDA, 13 December (PLUSNEWS) - Makiesse means "happiness" in Kikongo, a language spoken in northern Angola. But the early childhood of 10-year-old Makiesse Jonas was far from... Email Report

ANGOLA: Enthusiastic caregivers and silent sufferers, 13/Dec/06
CABINDA, 13 December (PLUSNEWS) - Fear of stigmatisation in Angola is keeping people living with HIV/AIDS in hiding. Caregivers are more than willing to help but are having a hard time... Email Report

AFRICA: More proof that a snip in time could save men from HIV, 13/Dec/06
JOHANNESBURG, 13 December (PLUSNEWS) - American research bodies have called an early halt to trials of adult male circumcision in Kenya and Uganda after results showed that men who had... Email Report

IRAQ: Shortage of antiretroviral drugs in Kurdistan, 12/Dec/06
ARBIL, 12 December (PLUSNEWS) - Health officials in Iraq’s northern Kurdistan region have said they lack antiretroviral drugs and HIV testing equipment, and that they have been... Email Report

ZAMBIA: Help for child-headed homes, 11/Dec/06
LUSAKA, 11 December (PLUSNEWS) - Zambia is grappling with the growing problem of thousands of child-headed homes, created by one of the highest HIV infection rates in the world. ... Email Report

DRC: An untapped supply of HIV/AIDS treatment, 11/Dec/06
KINSHASA, 11 December (PLUSNEWS) - Thousands of people living with AIDS in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are going without treatment while the production line at a modern... Email Report

SWAZILAND: Nurses fleeing the HIV/AIDS frontline, 11/Dec/06
MANZINI, 11 December (PLUSNEWS) - "Swaziland is dying. Will the last nurse on duty please turn off the lights?" reads a handwritten note at a clinic in Manzini, the country's AIDS-hit... Email Report

AFRICA: IRIN PlusNews Weekly Issue 313, 8 December 2006, 8/Dec/06
JOHANNESBURG, 8 December (PLUSNEWS) - NEWS: SUDAN: Darfur at risk of mounting HIV/AIDS epidemic Email Report

OPT: No friends, few drugs and little expertise for AIDS patients, 7/Dec/06
GAZA CITY, 7 December (PLUSNEWS) - The manner in which 14-year-old Mahmoud (not his real name) was infected with HIV was unusual - but the subsequent reaction of Palestinian society was... Email Report

SUDAN: Darfur at risk of mounting HIV/AIDS epidemic, 7/Dec/06
KHARTOUM, 7 December (PLUSNEWS) - The United Nations is raising awareness about HIV/AIDS in Sudan, but has warned that infection rates may be on the rise in the unstable Darfur region.... Email Report

SOUTH AFRICA: Positive prevention, 7/Dec/06
JOHANNESBURG, 7 December (PLUSNEWS) - After Zodwa [not her real name] learned she was HIV positive, six torturous months passed before she felt able to tell her boyfriend. "I had to check... Email Report

RWANDA: Need to incorporate nutrition into kids' HIV programmes, 7/Dec/06
NAIROBI, 7 December (PLUSNEWS) - Nearly 45 percent of HIV-positive Rwandan children under five years old are severely malnourished, delegates at last month's second annual Rwandan... Email Report

EGYPT: Lack of official concern over silently rising HIV infections, 6/Dec/06
CAIRO, 6 December (PLUSNEWS) - HIV/AIDS is 'invisible' in Egypt. With an HIV prevalence rate of less than 0.1 percent, not many people in this conservative Muslim country talk about... Email Report

TANZANIA: African Muslim clerics divided on condom use , 6/Dec/06
STONE TOWN, ZANZIBAR , 6 December (PLUSNEWS) - Muslim clerics from 25 African countries failed to reach consensus on the use of condoms in preventing HIV/AIDS at a meeting on the semi-autonomous... Email Report

PAKISTAN: First association of people living with HIV/AIDS launched, 5/Dec/06
ISLAMABAD, 5 December (PLUSNEWS) - The United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) has launched Pakistan's first association of people living with HIV/AIDS. "So far only a... Email Report

MALAWI: Each migrating nurse costs country up to US$26 million, 5/Dec/06
JOHANNESBURG, 5 December (PLUSNEWS) - Malawi, one of the world's poorest countries, is losing up to US$26 million for every nurse who leaves the country in search of greener pastures,... Email Report

SOMALIA: Cross-border migration an HIV/AIDS threat, 5/Dec/06
NAIROBI, 5 December (PLUSNEWS) - Somalia's HIV prevalence of about one percent is low, but the cross-border movement of people is causing an increase in infection rates, according to... Email Report


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