MALAWI: Police force "ignorant" about AIDS
[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations]
JOHANNESBURG, 19 August (PLUSNEWS) - The first survey of its kind conducted in Malawi has revealed that the national police force has limited knowledge about HIV prevention and transmission.
The 'Behavioural Surveillance Survey (BSS) 2004' indicated that police officers were especially poorly informed about AIDS, with only 3 percent of policemen and 7 percent of policewomen being aware of the ABC's (Abstinence, Be faithful and consistent Condom use) as a means of prevention.
Survey coordinator Nellie Myburgh said the study found that most male respondents - especially truckdrivers, fishermen, policemen and secondary schools teachers - had multiple sex partners because they needed "variety in their sex life".
According to the local Chronicle newspaper, the BSS recommended that AIDS information be incorporated into police training, and that HIV voluntary counselling and testing services be provided in all police clinics and health facilities.
Links |
Le portail d'informations générales de la Côte d’Ivoire
Sida Info Services
Le Fonds mondial de lutte contre le SIDA, la tuberculose et le paludisme
Le Réseau Afrique 2000
The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
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