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UN foresees destructive effects of AIDS
Sunday 10 October 2004
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AFRICA: UN foresees destructive effects of AIDS

[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations]

JOHANNESBURG, 17 September (PLUSNEWS) - The UN has predicted that HIV/AIDS will have destructive effects on virtually every sector of society.

In a new report called, 'The Impact of AIDS', the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) says healthcare systems, food security and economic development could be devastated by the pandemic.

Without an effective vaccine and better programmes to prevent its spread, HIV/AIDS - which has already killed over 20 million people since 1980 - will also cause up to 100 million deaths in sub-Saharan Africa by 2025.

"The eventual course of the disease depends on how individuals, communities, nations and the world respond to the HIV/AIDS threat today and tomorrow," the report concluded.



Recent AFRICA Reports
HIV/AIDS remains a big child killer,  8/Oct/04
IRIN PlusNews Weekly Issue 202, 8 October 2004,  8/Oct/04
HIV/AIDS care centre not being fully utilised,  8/Oct/04
Using theatre to encourage HIV testing,  6/Oct/04
Vaccine research struggles to find trial participants,  5/Oct/04
Sida Info Services
Le Fonds mondial de lutte contre le SIDA, la tuberculose et le paludisme
Le Réseau Afrique 2000
The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria

PlusNews does not take responsibility for info in links supplied.


PlusNews is produced under the banner of RHAIN, the Southern African Regional HIV/AIDS Information Network. RHAIN's members currently include:

  • IRIN
  • Inter Press Service (IPS)
  • Health Systems Trust
  • Health & Development Networks
  • GTZ/Afronets

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