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Impact of AIDS and food insecurity reviewed
Tuesday 7 September 2004
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MALAWI: Impact of AIDS and food insecurity reviewed

[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations]

JOHANNESBURG, 18 June (PLUSNEWS) - The director of the World Food Programme (WFP) is visiting Malawi to review how the UN and the international community can assist in tackling the effects of HIV/AIDS-related food insecurity on families and children.

James Morris, who is on a five-nation tour of southern Africa, called on governments to focus attention in 2004 on the needs of vulnerable groups, particularly orphans and those affected by HIV/AIDS.

"By focusing support on children and families, governments are giving their countries the best possible chance of turning the tide of poverty and illiteracy, and perhaps the only chance of tackling the long-term effects of HIV/AIDS," Morris said in a statement.

Research shows that half of Malawi's 950,000 orphans are attributed to HIV/AIDS and lack basic social services such as health, food, education, safe water and sanitation.



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The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
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  • Health Systems Trust
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