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SENEGAL: PlusNews Country Profile

[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations]

JOHANNESBURG, 16 June (PLUSNEWS) - Country Profile for Senegal

UNAIDS/WHO Epidemiological Fact sheets on HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (Attention: This is a large PDF file)
www.unaids.org PDF Format

National Response:

Conseil National de Lutte contre le SIDA et les MST (CNLS)

Strategies employed by the National Programme to maintain low HIV/AIDS prevalence include measuring the scope of the epidemic; guaranteeing the safety of blood transfusions; promoting education activities for the prevention of sexual transmission of HIV; supporting the psychological and clinical needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA); and reinforcing prevention efforts for all STIs.

Tel: +221 822 90 45
Fax: +221 822 15 07

HIV/AIDS Organisations:

1. African Council of AIDS Service Organisations
African Regional Secretariat of the International Council of AIDS Service Organisations with five sub-regional networks: SANASO (Southern Africa), WANASO (Western Africa), NANASO (Northern Africa), CANASO (Central Africa) and ANNEA (Eastern Africa).

Contact person: Daouda Diouf
Tel: +221 8423798
Fax: +221 823 6615
Address: BP 28366 Dakar - Médina

2. (Réseau National des Personnes vivant avec le VIH) RNP+ - National Network of PWAS
The RNP+ is made up of five 5 PWA groups and coordinates their information, counselling and training activities.

Contact person: Souadou Seck
Tel: +221 8202473
Address: 54 rue Carnot Dakar

3. African Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS
The network is involved in the development of other networks; HIV/AIDS advocacy and the promotion of human rights.

Tel: +221 823 00 01
Fax: +221 823 48 34
Address: C/O UNDP BP 154 Dakar

4. Society for Women and AIDS in Africa (SWAA)
SWAA provides counselling, training, education, information and awareness campaigns and support and care for PWAs and orphans.

Contact person: Soukaye Dieng
Tel: +221 824 5178
Fax: +221 824 5178
Address: BP 7504 Dakar

5. PROMETRA - Promotion des Medecines Traditionelles
A network of traditional healers involved in the management of data relating to HIV and traditional medicine through the Internet. PROMETRA also provides a training manual for healers to train as HIV/AIDS Information Education Communication (IEC) officers.

Contact person: Erick Vidjin' Aghih Gbodossou
Tel: +221 832 2850 / 832 57 49
Fax: +221 834 0215
Address: BP 6134 Dakar-Etoile

6. HIV Testing Centre
The centre offers pre and post-test counselling; voluntary, anonymous and free HIV testing; care of people living with HIV/AIDS; home or hospital visits; care of infected and affected children; income generating projects; development of local centres and awareness raising in schools, prisons and other NGOs on STI /AIDS

Tel: +221 835 3407
Fax: +221 835 3408
Address: Centre de Promotion de la Santé - Extention Cité Keur Damel B.P. 15314 Dakar-Fann

HIV/AIDS Projects:

1. Sixth International Conference on Home and Community Based Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS will be held from the 8-11 December 2003 in Dakar, Senegal.

The theme of the conference "More Care for Better Living" aims to highlight the priority needs of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWAs).

More details:

2. Best Practice document: "Acting early to prevent AIDS: The case of Senegal"

This paper describes the experience of how Senegal has worked hard to prevent HIV spreading, and has maintained one of the lowest rates of infection in sub-Saharan Africa. It discusses the situation in Senegal before HIV/AIDS began its rapid
spread across much of Africa. It looks at how the country reacted to the threat of the disease, and examines whether that reaction had any effect on people's behaviour and, ultimately, on rates of HIV infection in the country.

More details:

3. HIV/AIDS in Senegal - USAID Country Profile

More details:


Recent SENEGAL Reports
Row over re-export of anti-retrovirals becomes political,  13/Apr/04
Activists warn against complacency over HIV/AIDS,  16/Dec/03
The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
Mothers and HIV/AIDS

PlusNews does not take responsibility for info in links supplied.


PlusNews is produced under the banner of RHAIN, the Southern African Regional HIV/AIDS Information Network. RHAIN's members currently include:

  • IRIN
  • Inter Press Service (IPS)
  • Health Systems Trust
  • Health & Development Networks
  • GTZ/Afronets

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