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Wednesday 21 December 2005
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SUDAN: HIV/AIDS to figure in peace talks with rebels

[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations]

JOHANNESBURG, 24 January (PLUSNEWS) - Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir thsi week said the third round of peace talks between government and the southern rebel movement should address the issue of HIV/AIDS in the east African country.

"We are asking all the negotiators and intermediaries to give an important place to the question of HIV/AIDS," the Sudanese newspaper Al-Anba quoted al-Beshir as saying.

The peace talks which reopened in Kenya on Thursday will address the issue of power and wealth-sharing during a six-year transition period between rebel group, the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) and the government.

To date there are no reliable statistics on the number of people living with the disease in Sudan where millions of people have been displaced by the civil war.



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