World Bank to fund anti-AIDS campaign
Saturday 27 March 2004
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BURKINA FASO: World Bank to fund anti-AIDS campaign

OUAGADOUGOU, 3 July (PLUSNEWS) - The World Bank agreed on Wednesday to provide funding to the tune of US $856,944 for anti-AIDS campaigns over the next six months in seven of Burkina Faso's 31 ministries.

The agreement was signed in Burkina Faso's capital, Ouagadougou, by the Bank's representative in the West African country, Jean Mazurel, and Joseph Tiendrebeogo, permanent secretary of the National Council against HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

The money will be used for activities such as prevention, sensitisation and care for the infected workers in the ministries of: environment and well-being; agriculture and water resources; defence; basic education and literacy; animal resources; the promotion of women; and secondary and higher education.

"I think it is tremendously important that the administration, which has such a great impact in the lives of Burkina Faso's population, shows through the implementation of the action plans its seriousness and commitment to effectively combat AIDS," Mazurel told PlusNews.

He also commended Burkina Faso's government for the fact that every ministry was working out an HIV/AIDS action plan. "It's a multisectoral combat and everybody must commit himself," he said.

Burkina Faso's HIV-prevalence rate is about 7.17 percent.



Recent BURKINA FASO Reports

Government urges traditional healers to help tackle HIV/AIDS,  25/Feb/04
Chiefs to support anti-AIDS drive,  26/Dec/03
Cheaper drugs from India for people with HIV,  22/Apr/03
National dialogue on HIV/AIDS,  19/Mar/03
UNDP funds poverty reduction, HIV activities,  14/Feb/03


The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS
The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
International HIV/AIDS Alliance

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