Cote d'Ivoire Profile

Monday 2 May 2005
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  COTE D'IVOIRE - Country Profile Updated: Feb 2005  

AIDS Programmes

National Strategic Framework Status
Completed November 1999

National Policies

  • The newly created Ministry to Fight AIDS heads up national policy formulation and implementation


Ministry to Fight AIDS
Contact person: Able Ekissi Ambroise
Tel: +225 21 24 43 06

Ministry of Health
Contact person: Minister Dr Albert Toikeusse Mabri
Abidjan Immeuble Tour C 16e Etage BP V4
Tel: +225 20 21 08 71

HIV/AIDS Organisations:

  1. Association Amepouh
    Contact person: Christine Gohni - President
    14 BP 2101, Abidjan 14 Cote d’Ivoire
    Tel: +225 23 51 98 74
    · Established in 1998 to bring together women's groups to combat AIDS and help care for HIV/AIDS orphans.

  2. Association Lumiere Action
    Contact person: Catherine Sie Akoua - President
    14 BP 2101, Abidjan 14 Cote d’Ivoire
    Tel/Fax: +225 24 39 73 12
    · Established in 1994 to support those living with HIV/AIDS.

  3. Association Renaissance Sante Bouake (RSB)
    Contact person: Ouohi Diomande, President
    BP 1233 Yamoussoukro
    Tel: +225 30 64 75 99
    Mobile: +225 05 64 42 36
    Email: /

  4. CARE International, Cote d'Ivoire
    Contact person: Zakari Madougou
    Tel/Fax: +225 22 41 25 16
    · Involved in various development initiatives, including acting as the principle agent on a Global Fund against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria project, to prevent the expansion of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Cote d'Ivoire, in the face of the ongoing political upheaval. That project is worth over US1 million and due to run into 2005.

  5. Caritas
    Contact person: Jean Djoman
    Tel: +225 21 58 19 19
    Fax: +225 21 58 16 62
    · International NGO involved in various development initiatives including combating HIV/AIDS.

  6. Cine Village
    France Ivoire Culture, BP 784 Grand-Bassam, Cote d'Ivoire
    Tel: +33 01 42 52 80 38 / +33 06 60 11 62 41
    · Cine Village works in rural Cote d'Ivoire, showing educational films in villages to teach people about AIDS.

  7. Club des Amis
    06 B.P 1021 Cedex Abidjan 06
    Contact person: Sidje Leontine Gaty
    Tel: +225 21 24 12 14
    · A club created in 1994 for those living with HIV and AIDS, the aim of the club is to regain the dignity of its members and help them to become accepted in wider society.

  8. GAP+PS
    Contact person: Koffi Jeannot / Jean-Paul
    Tel: +225 23 50 74 01 / +225 23 45 19 96
    · Created in 1996, GAP+PS works to support those living with HIV/AIDS, and help them integrate into wider society.

  9. Merlin
    Tel: +225 33 70 44 16
    · International NGO based in the UK.

  10. MSF France
    16 BP 698 Abidjan 16
    Contact person: Mego Terzian
    Tel: +225 21 25 62 44
    Fax: +225 21 35 02 01

  11. RIP+
    Regional office West Africa
    03 BP 1916 abidjan 03
    Tel: +225 20 33 71 35
    Fax: +225 20 33 71 53
    Email: /
    · Established in Kenya, but spread to West Africa in the mid-1990s, RAP+ works on micro-level projects to raise AIDS awareness.

  12. Reseau Ivoirien sur l'Ethique le Droit et le VIH (RIEDS)
    Contact person: Monsieur Kodéhi Gnaore, Coordinator
    Tel: +225 22 44 44 53 or 21 24 30 13
    Or Celestin Yassi, lawyer and secretary general
    Tel: +225 20 32 32 74
    · An inter-African network set up in Dakar, Senegal in 1994 but now with operations across the region with the headquarters in Abidjan. Objective: to create an environment that is conducive to effective and appropriate response to tackling the AIDS pandemic.

  13. Reseau Ivoirien des Personnes Vivant avec le VIH/ SIDA
    Contact person: Madame Houssou Onhi Christine, President
    Avenue Lamblin, Villa No 10/ Plateau, BP 1916 Abidjan 03, Cote d'Ivoire
    Tel: +225 20 33 71 35
    Fax: +225 20 33 71 53
    Email: /
    · Financed by UNAIDS and the Ministry to Fight AIDS. Established in 1997 to debate and develop a national strategic campaign against AIDS. Coordinate NGO activities and work to promote means of preventing the spread of HIV/ AIDS.

  14. Ruban Rouge Cote d'Ivoire
    Contact person: Marius Radul Boka, President
    BP 1291, Abidjan 22, Cote d'Ivoire
    Tel: +225 23 45 35 10
    Fax: +225 23 45 35 08
    Hotline: 800 00 400
    · Founded in 1994, providing medical and counselling advice to HIV/AIDS patients including support groups, nutrition advice and prevention in both urban and rural areas.

  15. Programme Communal de lutte contre le Sida et les IST de Yopougon
    Contact person: Dali Camara
    21 BP 12 Abidjan 21
    Tel: +225 23 52 37 93
Country Indicators
Demographic data Year Estimate Source
Population (thousands) 2005 17 165 UNPOP
% Population aged 0-14 2005 40.4 UNPOP
Population Growth Rate 2000-2005 1.62 UNPOP
Urban population, percentage of total 2005 45.8 UNPOP
Urban population growth rate (%) 2000-2005 12 UNPOP
Crude birth rate per 1000 2000-2005 35.5 UNPOP
Crude death rate per 1000 2000-2005 20.0 UNPOP
Life expectance at birth 2000-2005 41.0 UNPOP
Total fertility rate (children per woman) 2000-2005 4.73 UNPOP
Maternal mortality (per 100,000 live births) 2000 690 WHO
Infant mortality rate (per 1000 births) 2000-2005 101.3 UNPOP
Under 5 mortality rate (per 1000 children) 2002 191 World Bank
For consistency reasons the data used in the above table are taken from official UN publications, using the most up-to-date estimates available at the time of writing
Socio-economic data Year Estimate Source
GNI per capita in US $ (Atlas method) 2003 750.0 World Bank
GNI per capita growth rate World Bank
Per capita expenditure on health (US$) 2001 41 WHO
Government expenditure on health, % of total expenditure 2001 6 WHO
Total adult literacy rate (15-24*) 2004 60.5 UNESCO
Male literacy rate 2004 69.6 UNESCO
Female literacy rate 2004 51.5 UNESCO
Gross male primary school enrolment ratio 2001/2 92 UNESCO
Gross female primary school enrolment ratio 2001/2 68 UNESCO
Gross male secondary school enrolment ratio 2000/1 30 UNESCO
Gross female secondary school enrolment ratio 2000/1 17 UNESCO
For consistency reasons the data used in the above table are taken from official UN publications, using the most up-to-date estimates available at the time of writing

* UNESCO has no data for 15+ literacy rates in 2004, only 15-24 year olds
Epidemiological Fact Sheet
Estimated number of adults and children living with HIV/AIDS, end of 2003
These estimates include all people with HIV infection, whether or not they have developed symptoms of AIDS, alive at the end of 2003:
Adults and children 570,000  
Adults (15-49) 530,000 Adult rate(%) 7
Women (15-49) 300,000  
Children (0-15) 40,000  
Estimated number of deaths due to AIDS
Estimated number of adults and children who died of AIDS during 2003:
Deaths in 2003 47,000  
Estimated number of orphans
Estimated number of children who have lost their mother or father or both parents to AIDS and who were alive and under age 17 at the end of 2003:
Current living orphans 310,000  

Assessment of the epidemiological situation **

The adult HIV prevalence rate for Cote d'Ivoire is 7%, according to UNAIDS estimates in 2003. This indicates a decline in the prevalence of the disease. In 1988, when the first national survey was carried out, Cote d'Ivoire was recorded as having the highest prevalence of HIV in the West African region of 9.5%.

However, health workers fear that latest estimates have not taken into consideration the effects of political turbulence and further economic decline since a shock coup d'etat in December 1999. The same year, foreign assistance was cut, further damaging an already faltering economic record.

Following a further coup attempt in September 2002, rebels seized the northern half of the country. Though a peace deal, brokered by France, was signed in January 2003 Cote d'Ivoire remains divided ahead of elections in 2005.

Since the September 2002 rebellion, hospitals and clinics in the rebel controlled north have been cut off from central government funding. Many government workers, including health sector workers, have fled to the government controlled south. Most of those who remained in the north are not working.

At the same time, non-government activity has also been affected. NGO operations have largely halted in rebel-held areas, in particular HIV prevention efforts by local NGOs that included the social marketing of condoms, according to UNAIDS.

The climate of intense political instability and warfare has created a large IDP population of some 800,000 people according to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. The Global Fund, state that the war situation, with its accompanying violence, rape, population displacement and promiscuity and risky behaviour exacerbated by the explosion of the normal cultural context, have exacerbated the spread of HIV in Cote d'Ivoire.

Much of the difficulty in assessing the extent of the current HIV problem in Cote d'Ivoire lies in the lack of availability of up to date information. In September 2004, the government of Cote d'Ivoire announced plans to embark on the country's first nationwide HIV prevalence survey for 15 years.

Prior to the most recent outbreak of political unrest, several cross-sectional studies were conducted among female sex workers in Abidjan. Figures showed a decline in prevalence of HIV among those tested, down from 89% in 1992 to 32% in 1998, attributed to an increased use of condoms.

According to pre-crisis figures produced by UNICEF and UNPOP, the contraceptive prevalence rate in Cote d'Ivoire is estimated at 15% for the 1990 to 1999 period, though there are no figures to identify what proportion of these contraceptives are condoms.

Evidence of increased condom use is supported with a corresponding reduction in STDs such as Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia during the same period.

However, these studies predate the current political crisis and are limited to findings from the economic capital, Abidjan. Here, there is greater exposure to education campaigns on radio, television and on billboards and condoms are more readily available and the population more affluent.

Abidjan is of regional importance in the transmission of the HIV virus. Despite the political upheavals of recent years, Abidjan remains the hub of trade and commerce in francophone West Africa.

UNAIDS conducted a study in October 1999, which concluded that trade routes, such as the Abidjan - Lagos corridor, is a key migration route for goods, people and also, HIV.

In November 2003, the World Bank approved a US$ 16.6 million regional project to tackle the spread of AIDS along the Abidjan-Lagos transport corridor, due to run until 1 July 2007.

Background to monitoring of HIV

Sentinel surveys of women attending antenatal care clinics was established in 1986. By 2002, there was a total of 28 sentinel sites in eight districts including eight urban sites and 20 rural sites.

In 2002, the median HIV prevalence in Abidjan was estimated at 7.4% while median prevalence among attendees at the other seven urban sites was 10.3%. In the urban areas, prevalence rates ranged from a median of 7.4% in Abidjan, the lowest among the urban areas, to a high of 11.6% in Daloa.

The median prevalence among attendees at the rural sites was 5.8%, ranging from 1.9% in Yapelu to as high as 11% in Lopou.

** Information taken from UNAIDS/WHO epidemiological fact sheets on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2004 Update, The Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria and various UN databases.

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