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Tuesday December 27 2005





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Search result for Swaziland


6 report(s) found????

SWAZILAND: Brighter prospects for textile exporters in 2006, 22/Dec/05
MBABANE, 22 December (IRIN) - The Swazi apparel industry that once seemed the salvation of the economy has had an extremely rough year, but some insiders say the worst may be over for the surviving garment makers. ... Full Report... Email Report

SWAZILAND: Nine pro-democracy activists held for petrol bombings, 20/Dec/05
MBABANE, 20 December (IRIN) - Nine members of a pro-democracy Swazi political party have been arrested in connection with a series of petrol bombings aimed at government targets in Africa's last absolute monarchy. ... Full Report... Email Report

SWAZILAND: Doubt over legality of protests keep Swazis at bay, for now, 16/Dec/05
MBABANE, 16 December (IRIN) - Ambiguity over the legality of protests kept Swazis away from most political rallies and anti-government demonstrations in 2005, say pro-democracy groups battling to prompt reform in a country run by sub-Saharan Africa's last absolute monarch.... Full Report... Email Report

SWAZILAND: Dire consequences for economy in wake of EU sugar price cuts, 12/Dec/05
MBABANE, 12 December (IRIN) - They call it "the real Swazi gold" but sugar, the country's top export, has taken a financial hit this year, leaving thousands of workers retrenched, small-scale farmers embittered and confused, and the government warning of dire effects on the... Full Report... Email Report

SWAZILAND: HIV positive Swazis take govt to task over ARV supply, 6/Dec/05
MBABANE, 6 December (IRIN) - A group of HIV positive Swazis is considering taking the government to court for an alleged erratic supply of antiretrovirals (ARVs), but officials insist that the lack of drugs is a matter of perception, rather than reality.... Full Report... Email Report

SWAZILAND: New dams to be built to boost irrigation, 30/Nov/05
MBABANE, 30 November (IRIN) - Three dams are to be built in southern Swaziland at a cost of R280 million (US $44 million), in response to nearly a decade of drought that has slashed agricultural production. ... Full Report... Email Report

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