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SOUTHERN AFRICA: Remittances - curse or blessing?, 16/Feb/06
JOHANNESBURG, 16 February (IRIN) - The World Bank's Global Economic Prospects (GEP) 2006 report highlights the importance of migration and remittances to development, noting that officially recorded money sent home by migrant workers worldwide exceeded $232 billion in 2005. Of this,... Full Report... Email Report
NAMIBIA: Inheritance rights still a thorny issue, 14/Feb/06
WINDHOEK, 14 February (IRIN) - When Barakias Shangheta, 17, heard that his father had died at the local hospital in Okakarara, a village northeast of the capital, Windhoek, he ran to the cattle pastures and rounded up some of the herd for "safekeeping". "I knew that my father's... Full Report... Email Report
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