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 Wednesday 16 June 2010
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Country Profile: Sierra Leone
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AIDS Programmes

National Strategic Framework: 2006-2010

There is no national monitoring and evaluation framework, though a working group is functional. Decentralization is still in its infancy although a memorandum of understanding has been agreed upon between districts and the National AIDS Secretariat.

HIV/AIDS Organisations

  Ministry of Health
Contact person: Agnes Taylor-Lewis, minister Tel: +232 22 242 119
Location: Fourth floor Youyi Building, Brookfields +232 22 240 131
  Fax: +232 22 241 283
What we do:

  National AIDS Secretariat
Contact person: Dr Brima Kargbo, National AIDS Secretariat Tel: +232 22 235 842/849
Location: Fax: +232 76 960 071/232 22 217
What we do: Responsible for the implementation of the activities of the Sierra Leone HIV/AIDS Response Project (SHARP).

  Africa AIDS Education & Prevention - Sierra Leone Project
Contact person: Dr. Sangoi Eric Lamboi Tel:
Location: Fax:
What we do: HIV/AIDS education, testing, and treatment.

 American Refugee Committee (ARC)
Contact person: Martha Saldinger Tel: +232 22 221 445
Location: Freetown 16 Riverside Drive, Off Kingharman Rd. Brookfields
Sierra Leone
Fax: +232 22 221 453
What we do:

Contact person: Paul Mulcahy Tel: +232 22 222 745
Location: 51 Liverpool Street
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Fax: +232 22 220 496
What we do: HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention and support.

 World Health Organisation (WHO)
Contact person: Dr F.R. Zawaira Tel: +232-22-233565
Location: P.O. Box 529
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Mobile: +232-76-878666
  Fax: +232-22-235215
What we do:

 Sierra Leone Red Cross
Contact person: Arthur de-Winton Cummings Tel:
Location: 6 Liverpool Street
Freetown, Sierra Leone
What we do: Working on a US $ 6 million project for post conflict rehabilitation of health services to combat, AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Contact person: Macoura Oulare, head of HIV/AIDS section UNICEF Tel: +232 22 226825 / 233681 / 241422
Location: Govt. Central Med. Stores Compound
Jomo Kenyatta Road
P.O.Box 221 New England
Freetown, Sierra Leone
IDD line: +232 22 235025
  Fax: +232 22 235059
What we do:

 UNAIDS Country Co-ordinator (covering both Sierra Leone and Freetown)
Contact person: Leopold Zekeng, UNDP Tel: +232 22 23 46 03
Location: 38 Macauley Street, Murray town
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Mobile: +232 768 14 8 05
  Fax: +232 22 23 20 12
What we do:

 UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS, Chair
Contact person: Felicity Zawaira, WHO Tel: +232 22 226 825
Location: P.O. Box 221 Freetown +232 22 223 865
  Fax: +232 22 242 109
What we do:

 UNAIDS Regional Support Team for West and Central Africa
Contact person: Dr Meskerem Grunitzky Bekele, director Tel: +221 869 06 64
Location: P.O. Box 5748
Dakar, Senegal
Fax: +221 869 06 80
What we do:

Sources: - The Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
- The World Bank
- World Health Organization
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Country Profiles
- United Nations Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 2005. “World Population Prospects: The 2004 Revision.” New York.
- The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)

Treatment Map

Adult HIV Prevalence Rate (%) (Dec. 2006): 1.5%
No. Of People living with HIV/AIDS: 48,000
No. Of HIV Testing & Counseling Sites (Dec. 2006): 19 VCT sites exist at the district level as well 39 at the community level for a country total of 58.
No. Of People in need of ART (Dec. 2006): 4,500
No. Of People On ART (Sept. 2006): 1,253
No. Of Sites Reportedly Distributing ARVs (Dec. 2006): 16
No. Of People on ART Public Sector (Dec. 2006): All ARVS are distributed free of charge through a public-private partnership called the Sierra Leone Treatment Action Group, or SILTAG.
No. Of People on ART Private Sector: n/a
No. Of People on ART in Non-Governmental Programmes: n/a
No. Of People Expected to be on ART (2006 End): While 2000 had been the year-end target, the National AIDS Secretariat expects 1,500 people on ARVs by the end of 2006.
Front Line Drug Regimen (Dec. 2006): stavudine + lamivudine + nevirapine
*PMTCT Regimen (Dec. 2006): At 28 weeks lamivudine is prescribed while a single dose of nevirapine is given at labour

HIV/AIDS Fund Disbursements:
Total Funds Disbursed By The Global Fund as of Sept. 2006: US$14,450,622
Total Funds Disbursed By The World Bank Multi-Country HIV/AIDS Programme (MAP) as of Sept. 2006: US$15 million
Total Funds Disbursed By PEPFAR During 2005 Fiscal Year: nil

Sources: National AIDS Secretariat


Demographics (United Nations Population Fund):
Population: 5,525,000
Population aged 15-59: 2,856,000
Urban population: 2,223,000

Under 5 mortality per 1000 births: 290
Male life expectancy: 37 years
Female life expectancy: 40 years
Combined average life expectancy: 38.5 years
Combined average life expectancy 1975-1980: 36.8 years

Education (UNESCO, 2004):
Males with secondary education as percentage of secondary school-age youths: 14 percent
Females with secondary education as percentage of secondary school-age youths: 14 percent

Literacy rates (UNESCO, 2004):
Percentage of literate males aged 15 or older: n/a
Percentage of literate females aged 15 or older: n/a
Combined literacy rate for aged 15 or older: n/a
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